Referee Positioning


New Member
Hi All,

I'm a new to refereeing over the last month but have been involved in coaching for the last 13 years.

One thing I noticed during games, is that I need major improvement on my positioning.

Any hints and tips (apart from watching top referees) to improve this?

I've read some material to be diagonal to your AR so that when you have them you can work together etc.

A&H International
Hi All,

I'm a new to refereeing over the last month but have been involved in coaching for the last 13 years.

One thing I noticed during games, is that I need major improvement on my positioning.

Any hints and tips (apart from watching top referees) to improve this?

I've read some material to be diagonal to your AR so that when you have them you can work together etc.

Manoeuvre so that you're always side-on to tackles/challenges. For example, act like a left winger from goal kicks to get a good vantage point for 'in the back ref' (which is always appealed for, but seldom given [on my FOP])
If you have been around long enough you can anticipate play. You need o be in the best place to view incidents make the right decisions.

As said above, angle is the most important. Get an "outside angle
Distance is also very important. about 15 yards is optimal

Use your play anticipation skills to get there. Remember where play is now is sometimes very important. But in many occasions where play is going to be is more important. Good referees are ahead of play frequently.

Lastly, ball watching is a bad habit many ex players/coaches bring into refereeing. Be on the move.

You are new. Don't try to think to complex. Work on one thing at a time (in each game) regarding positioning.
Thanks guys!

Also another question - has anyone used the Fox 40 with the adjustable finger grip? If so, is it a hassle when using pens and recording match events etc?
On the leagues I referee on the club assistants don't do offsides and when I was going through the mentor programme they were highlighting positioning.

For example standing on the back post at corners, standing on the touchline in line with the last defender on attacking throws, and attacking free kick, .where to stand for goal kicks. One of the things one of the mentors kept saying was get into position and rest, get there and rest, which stuck so now I've been let loose on my own I do it naturally. Of course it all goes out of the window when you get teams playing short corners, throwing inside and taking short goal kicks haha, but of course that's when you learn to read the game.

Instead of watching top referees maybe watch a couple of games on the leagues you will be refereeing on. That way you can see how the more experienced refs handle things and see things how you would may be do different. Apologies for the long ass reply 👍
Don't think like a player or a coach, this will likely see you chasing play and getting too close. One tip I got that helped was try to stay out of the centre circle if possible, if you aim to run to the sides of it that will force you naturally wider, then you can come in more central as play gets deeper (gets referred to as a lazy S).
Thank you! These are great points.

Especially watching local refs and staying outside the centre circle.

Any feedback regarding the finger gripped whistle question above?!
Any feedback regarding the finger gripped whistle question above?!
Some here love 'em and sing their praises, some here hate 'em (me included). Such a personal thing. Have tried, but didn't get on with it, had no troubles writing stuff down though
Thank you! These are great points.

Especially watching local refs and staying outside the centre circle.

Any feedback regarding the finger gripped whistle question above?!

I've used a finger grip whistle for 15+ years and never had a problem writing with it.
Thank you! These are great points.

Especially watching local refs and staying outside the centre circle.

Any feedback regarding the finger gripped whistle question above?!

Coincidentally I used the finger grip for the first time this weekend...I loved it, makes me realise what I was missing out on! Couldn't recommend it enough