Wind (Not mine!)

James goodgame

New Member
I due to ref a game this afternoon between two under 18 teams , we’ve currently got 60mph winds . The pitch is in a public park but with no overhanging trees or anything like that . My concern isn’t safety but more the game being a farce , is this a valid reason to call the game off ? My ex players head is telling me that it’ll be the same for both sides , however referee wise it could become a problem , ie keepers not being able to clear the areas etc , any advice?
ps I don’t wear a wig so that’s not an issue!
A&H International
I was worrying about this morning's game - but my League has just cancelled all fixtures.
The question will certainly be towards farcical. The players will want a certain element of control. Can they shoot from distance and the ball not end up nowhere near the target (due to the wind not their skill!). Does the ball stay still for goal kicks/corners etc.

Tbh I'd be looking for a lead from the League. It's not just playing conditions - everyone has to get to and from the game safely.
May have to put my long coit on today at Bramall Lane! Can’t see a reason for it being off!
When you have Premier League games being called off grass roots games stand little chance. That's the worst conditions I have even driven in today and if wind can blow a car sideways I'm not sure a football game would stand much of a chance. There's also the visibility issue, it was almost pitch black at one point around 11am, coupled with the driving rain I very much doubt I'd have been able to see from one end of the pitch to the other in that location at that time.