Wish me luck


Active Member
Level 3 Referee
I have just been told that I have been nominated for promotion to what is the Canadian equivalent of Level 2a in England. It involves an online test, a week-long course in another province, assessments over the course of the year, and two fitness tests. If I am successful in reaching the level, I will be able to officiate professional competitions (Canadian Premier League) in the 2021-2022 season. Wish me luck, and say a prayer for me. After this, I can push for the national list, which will allow me to officiate professional football regularly and even have officiating roles in the MLS and work toward a FIFA badge.
A&H International
Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to it, but it has cut my off-season short. I have to start training again for the fitness test.
Well, with the coronavirus closing everything down, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be waiting a while for this.