Bournemouth spit their dummy out


RefChat Addict
BBC News - Bournemouth: Cherries ask Premier League to investigate alleged comments made by official

Amazed at the hypocrisy of this.
How can ANY team have a moan when the ref gives them a bit of stick?
A&H International
It depends whether you believe what the players say.

Wouldn't be the first time someone has lied about comments made by a match official.
Yes players give refs stick but we have tools at our disposal to deal with that. We're an authority figure on the pitch, refs shouldn't be making comments like that at players (if true). Put it this way, you can't say things like that to players then book them for dissent when they say something back
"Ref, you're useless"
- "If I was any good, I wouldn't be here would I?"

An old favourite of mine that, predictably, goes down like a shower of turd at times. True though innit. :D :D
The words used hardly warrant the description of "a disgrace".
Tbh the club should just do this on the quiet, no need for the media to know.
I try to avoid disparaging remarks as it won't help match control.
Often you have to bite your tongue as a referee. There's things I say in my head that never come out of my mouth to the teams and supporters.

Ah, so it's not just me spending the Sunday thinking of witty comebacks to things said to me on the Saturday?
The fact players scream obscenity into the refs face all game long (at PL level) and then have the nerve to accuse the referee of disrespect is comical. I hope the Premier League, PGMOL and everyone gets fully behind Moss. They should issue a firm statement that once players stop telling the ref to f*ck off twenty times a game, then can then ask the refs not to make sarcastic comments.

I agree we should be above it and we have to bite our tongue quite a lot, but sometimes I think we're entitled to make a comment or two. I remember one game one team were making comments all game long about how poor I was, how useless my decisions were etc, despite most decisions being spot on (comments from other team). At 5-1 down another comment came in about how I'd ruined the game, to which I replied "mate it's not my fault you're getting spanked 5-1" They didn't take too kindly to that comment, but I think it was totally justified given the harping on and accusations that I'd ruined their Saturday afternoon
Ah, so it's not just me spending the Sunday thinking of witty comebacks to things said to me on the Saturday?
I have them ready at the time, just never say them.

To be fair most players are pretty unoriginal, so a stock set of mental responses is pretty easy to have!
You're sh*t ref
F**king hell ref, you're awful
You having a laugh ref
Playing against 12 here
Useless, ref!
Can't talk to him lads
Home team paid you already ref
You bottled that ref
Justice there ref
You're having a 'mare ref
Worst referee all season
- "If I was any good, I wouldn't be here."
yOu cAnT sAy tHaT rEf w0t aBoUt rEsPecT?!!!
Even their own fans were embarrassed by this one..... Moss saw through the theatrics on 4-5 occasions.....One squealed when he wasn't touched!!! Embarrassing gamesmanship or cheating as i know it as!!!
It is now being reported by the newspapers that the PL are backing moss and either them or PGMOL have Said the comments were justified as it had been a very challenging game for Jon and his team.

The comment was meant to have been something like I’m not the reason you’re in the relegation zone - you are.

He may have said those comments after being hounded all game as I suspect he wouldn’t have made those comments for no reason.
It is now being reported by the newspapers that the PL are backing moss and either them or PGMOL have Said the comments were justified as it had been a very challenging game for Jon and his team.

The comment was meant to have been something like I’m not the reason you’re in the relegation zone - you are.

He may have said those comments after being hounded all game as I suspect he wouldn’t have made those comments for no reason.
Sorry, but I don’t believe for one second that the PGMOL would say it’s justified because it’s a challenging game. This is what cards are for, we aren’t encouraged to make comments at players
Sorry, but I don’t believe for one second that the PGMOL would say it’s justified because it’s a challenging game. This is what cards are for, we aren’t encouraged to make comments at players

I think they said the PL but not sure

Yes seems like a strange statement to make