Wanna be ref

don’t hide your cards if they are really really required. Educate if you can before spoiling people’s weekends... it’s not the World Cup!
A&H International
Would you say things like explaining foul throws rather than just giving it the other way for younger ones? That sort of thing
Yes, especially at the earliest levels, ignore the one feet on the ground stuff for example, as long as it’s something like then let them play, it’s supposed to be fun remember. Educate where you can....
You seem very keen so I suggest say yes to everything if you can. More matches means you will learn faster. And ask to run the line! Learn from refs above you. IMHO it’s the only shortcut.
You seem very keen so I suggest say yes to everything if you can. More matches means you will learn faster. And ask to run the line! Learn from refs above you. IMHO it’s the only shortcut.
My only issue will be availability but we will deal with that when it happens. I’m not even sure how to ask to run the line or who to ask. The guidance isn’t all that clear here. It was pass the test now go apply for leagues. That was that
My only issue will be availability but we will deal with that when it happens. I’m not even sure how to ask to run the line or who to ask. The guidance isn’t all that clear here. It was pass the test now go apply for leagues. That was that
I imagine the best thing is to call/email the refsec for advice.
Would you say things like explaining foul throws rather than just giving it the other way for younger ones? That sort of thing
For u13 and older I give foul throws, although I’ll say to them what’s being done wrong if, for example, their foot is 3ft in the air. Ultimately I don’t believe they’ll learn how to take a throw in unless they’re pulled up for it when they’ve done it wrong, but I still want to help them (the younger they are the more important that is).
I imagine the best thing is to call/email the refsec for advice.
While I don't like to discourage the enthusiasm, I think taking time to think about games in between and let the major thoughts resolve and settle in the mind is just as important for good development. Making a mistake five times a week and then realising afterwards, is not as helpful as recognising it the first time, reflecting in what to do better, and nailing it twice in the week. There is also the issue of burnout and long-term fitness; better to do 30 games this season and next and the one after, than 50 now and 40 next year and then need the year off.
While I don't like to discourage the enthusiasm, I think taking time to think about games in between and let the major thoughts resolve and settle in the mind is just as important for good development. Making a mistake five times a week and then realising afterwards, is not as helpful as recognising it the first time, reflecting in what to do better, and nailing it twice in the week. There is also the issue of burnout and long-term fitness; better to do 30 games this season and next and the one after, than 50 now and 40 next year and then need the year off.
Availability wouldn’t allow me to do more than 1 a week I don’t think anyway, obviously depending on what happens with football next season. Just looking forward to get started