Freezing when typing posts

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Staff member
Level 3 Referee
Mods, this might be a single user/device issue but lately when I am replying to posts the text freezes, so I am still able to type, but what I have typed does not show, it appears frozen.

I can either wait, and it catches up after a VERY long pause, I can refresh the page which may or not save where I am up to, but lately I have found that changing my keyboard to emojis seems to bring up the missing text into the reply instantly.

Bizzarely it just happened now whilst typing this post.

Is this an issue with the site or browser or device?

I almost always use my personal mobile device, Huawei p20 mate pro and Chrome Browser.
A&H International
Put some gloves on. If that didn't work restart your device and log in in an incognito tab or use a different browser. If it is not having the problem anymore them it's your device/browser.
Put some gloves on. If that didn't work restart your device and log in in an incognito tab or use a different browser. If it is not having the problem anymore them it's your device/browser.
Gloves? Its definitely typing... I can see my keyboard predicting the words from the letters I am pressing, the issue presents on the website, all the functions of the browser and keyboard appear to be working, but I'll switch to the stock browser and see if that works.
Gloves? Its definitely typing... I can see my keyboard predicting the words from the letters I am pressing, the issue presents on the website, all the functions of the browser and keyboard appear to be working, but I'll switch to the stock browser and see if that works.
Some gloves are touch type friendly.
That was the response to the title, the rest was the response to the post :) hope you get it now :)
Is it still doing it? I cant seem to replicate it, Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari
Is it still doing it? I cant seem to replicate it, Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari
Occasionally yes. More so now when I do longer posts and less frequently.
I will put it down to my device :)
I used to get that occasionally in the past on my primary device, an android tablet, but I haven't noticed it happening for at least several weeks now. I always assumed it was something to do with my device rather than the site because if I switched to my laptop I didn't have the same problem.
Running android im guessing? Software up to date? Latest version of chrome?
Have uninstalled and reinstalled chrome to see if it has any effect. Android software already up to date.
Have you figured this out? I've started getting it. The only workaround I have is to focused away from the tab and then back to it to unfreeze it. Also chrome android.
I’ve got a big update coming soon, as soon as they release a stable version I’ll be performing the upgrade, this will hopefully fix the issue. Could be around 2-3 weeks for the stable versions, hopefully less as we’re currently at release candidate stage, beta testing has been done so shouldn’t be too long
Have you figured this out? I've started getting it. The only workaround I have is to focused away from the tab and then back to it to unfreeze it. Also chrome android.
I had to get a replacement phone as mine was smashed up and since that not really had the issue.
I'm not ready to smash up my phone yet just because because it freezing on refchat.
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