Video: two incidents


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
A team I refereed last week had one of these new Veo sports cameras and video'd the whole thing.

Here are two incidents from the match which were disputed at the time.

1. handball or not handball?
2. foul or no foul?

In the case of the handball the fact that the ball hit his arm is not in dispute, it's more to do with the arm position.

A&H International
A team I refereed last week had one of these new Veo sports cameras and video'd the whole thing.

Here are two incidents from the match which were disputed at the time.

1. handball or not handball?
2. foul or no foul?

In the case of the handball the fact that the ball hit his arm is not in dispute, it's more to do with the arm position.

No HB, Foul all day long
Hairstyle... less clear/clean cut :cool:
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I'm surprised you were able to see the point of contact from where you were. You're are always going to struggle to sell a decision from that position.
No handball for me as it appears to strike the thigh.
If it hit his hand yes, but I think that's the bit in dispute.

The foul, easy one. Players seem to ahev got it in their heads, perhaps from the school playground that you can just barge/charge people with your shoulder.
This is clearly into the players back and is a careless foul for me.
No handball for me as it appears to strike the thigh.
If it hit his hand yes, but I think that's the bit in dispute.

It's not - the dispute arises from the fact that the yellow team thought he was 'protecting his face'. Nobody thought it didn't hit his arm.
It does look like it hits his thigh first but arm is up and away from body.

2. clear foul

I dont think I’ve seen a grassroots referee not wear black in England.
do you book him for dissent? And is that refsix you are using?
It's not - the dispute arises from the fact that the yellow team thought he was 'protecting his face'. Nobody thought it didn't hit his arm.
I've watched it several times now and it's looks more like it struck the thigh rather than the arm. Can't get a pause of contact as get a big play icon in the way lol.
Like I said if it did hit the arm it's handball.
Protecting face is not a valid defence when the arm is used to make the body bigger the question (for me) was didn't even strike the arm in the first place
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I dont think I’ve seen a grassroots referee not wear black in England.
do you book him for dissent? And is that refsix you are using?

My CFA allowed blue shirts a few years ago. This year they've deciced to allow shirts of any colour

Yes, the booking was for dissent, and yes I'm using refsix.
I think the decisions are fine. The handball one is something not everyone will agree with, the ball was travelling at speed so I'd respect the opinion of those that say no, but his arms do come out.

From a development perspective, your positioning needs some work. For the handball you are way too far from play, you are out on a "traditional" diagonal and don't come off it, plus once you give the handball you have to get to the position of the free kick much faster. For the foul the opposite almost applies, you are nowhere near a traditional patrol path and almost chasing directly behind play, you need to be much more to the left to give you an angled view on the challenge.

One final thing, if you have any aspirations to go onto L4 or above you will need to change your cautioning procedure. You would be destroyed by observers for flashing a card like that.
1) No handball - arms are in an unnatural position but the ball doesn't actually strike them for me, hits just below.
2) Definite foul with a barge in the back like that.
In Notts were told yellow but Its better to be safe and have a few different colors. I have

All in my kit bag
I do love the shout ‘get on the weights’, hear it all the time. I often wonder what weights will aid a defender getting shoulder charged in the back
1. Seems to hit the thigh so no HB
2. Clear foul

One question tho, why did you run to the point where the foul happened? Simple defensive freekick, no need to go there. Now because you went there you had to issue a caution for dissent that could have been avoided.