Sunscreen Fail


RefChat Addict
Level 3W Referee
So - Apparently, I should have worn sunscreen this weekend.

I look like a round lobster now! Anyone else made the same bad life choice??
A&H International
Nope. Being follically challenged I always carry some in the bag and even remotest chance of sun it gets applied to the bonce 🌞

Old baz Lhurman would be proud
So - Apparently, I should have worn sunscreen this weekend.

I look like a round lobster now! Anyone else made the same bad life choice??
Yes, I have sun on my face, arms and back of my legs.

Thankfully it seems no ill effects.
Nope. Being follically challenged I always carry some in the bag and even remotest chance of sun it gets applied to the bonce 🌞

Old baz Lhurman would be proud

Like you (but probably even more so) I'm of the non-hirsute cranial persuasion. On a few occasions, the sun has mercilessly done it's work on my head, face and neck so as to give me a Spider Man-esque appearance later in the day.

I have tried the obvious remedy of applying copious sun block to my head and face but to be honest, the stinging sensation it causes to my eyes as it mixes with the salt in my sweat and runs down my face after only a few minutes on a warm day when the match commences is far more uncomfortable.

I generally opt to simply grin and bear it before returning home and spending a couple of days resembling a human matchstick. :(
I have tried the obvious remedy of applying copious sun block to my head and face but to be honest, the stinging sensation it causes to my eyes as it mixes with the salt in my sweat and runs down my face after only a few minutes on a warm day when the match commences is far more uncomfortable.

Yep, many a game I've blamed my shocking decisions on sun block having got in my eyes. I found a cure though, or rather a prevention, a thin layer of Vaseline on the eyebrows stops sweat, and therefore the sun block, from reaching the eyes.
Like you (but probably even more so) I'm of the non-hirsute cranial persuasion. On a few occasions, the sun has mercilessly done it's work on my head, face and neck so as to give me a Spider Man-esque appearance later in the day.

I have tried the obvious remedy of applying copious sun block to my head and face but to be honest, the stinging sensation it causes to my eyes as it mixes with the salt in my sweat and runs down my face after only a few minutes on a warm day when the match commences is far more uncomfortable.

I generally opt to simply grin and bear it before returning home and spending a couple of days resembling a human matchstick. :(
This genuinely made me chuckle. Thank you!
Yep, many a game I've blamed my shocking decisions on sun block having got in my eyes. I found a cure though, or rather a prevention, a thin layer of Vaseline on the eyebrows stops sweat, and therefore the sun block, from reaching the eyes.
2nd this.
In the United States, we are allowed to wear all-black hats as an official part of our referee kit regardless of competition (remember that our clubs, high schools, and colleges all play under different official codifications). I think this happened because a referee developed skin cancer and sued our national federation because referees could not wear hats, but I think this occurred during the time when I was not officiating.

I personally never wear a hat as the center referee, but will wear one as an assistant if I'm facing a low sun or if I'm working multiple games in a day like at a tournament. However, I'll never begrudge someone for protecting his/her head while officiating.