Encroachment. Mandatory caution?

I’ve emailed the head of my association to ask the process. Not fully sure in honesty, I don’t believe it works the same up here than it does down south so may not make a difference

I'm in the US, so I haven't a clue. :) But you definitely have my sympathies for what appears to be a very unreasonable assessment comment.

(I also don't have a clue if it's worth following up on or just rolling your eyes and moving on. Not all battles are worth fighting, even when you're right.)
A&H International
In England, at L5 or above, that would be overturned on appeal as the observer has written something that is clearly wrong in law.
Emailed my association manager and received a reply to state I was correct and he has informed my observer.
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Agree, although technically there is no right of appeal at those levels so if your observing coordinator isn't on the ball it is going to stand.
You're absolutely correct, but the observer needs to be made aware of their error.
In my county, the Observer Coordinator is sent the observation report (for 6>5 and 7>6) and checks it before passing it to the referee, which is designed to stop issues like this.