Your opinions.


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I was club linesmen for the team I coach for yesterday morning- it was the team I coach for (let’s call them team A) against the team who my brother plays for (team B) so that was interesting 😒. It was a cup game. Team sheets were being used. It was u13’s. One of our players turned up late and wasn’t on the team sheet ( I think it may have been along the lines of it was a last minute thing for him to play) and we had no subs. The opposition coaches were telling the referee to let him play or at least be a sub in case one of our players got injured as they felt it was unfair if he couldn’t play and didn’t think it was right (one of our players did and we had to play with 10 men and conceded once during that period. Eventually loosing the game 1-0). What’s everyone’s opinion on this? I understand team sheets etc but with the fact that the opposition coaches were telling the referee to let him play and that this was unfair for my team?
All comments welcome, thank you.
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A&H International
Only players named on the team sheet at the start of the match can take part in the match.

The simple answer is if you knew they were on their way, or potentially arriving then you should have named them.

Once the match starts, the team sheets are locked in.

It only takes that player to score the winning goal for team b to lodge an appeal and the referee finding himself in hot water (possible fine/suspension/withdrawn from future County Cup games.)

Well done referee in my book.
Only players named on the team sheet at the start of the match can take part in the match.

The simple answer is if you knew they were on their way, or potentially arriving then you should have named them.

Once the match starts, the team sheets are locked in.

It only takes that player to score the winning goal for team b to lodge an appeal and the referee finding himself in hot water (possible fine/suspension/withdrawn from future County Cup games.)

Well done referee in my book.
I completely understand that. I didn’t speak to the manager but I think it was along the lines of it was a last minute thing that he could play and he arrived during the first half. About 20-25 minutes in I would guess.
Only players named on the team sheet at the start of the match can take part in the match.
The laws of the game does not technically require players to be named on the team list at the start of the match. But they have to be on it to play. The comp rules usually have that requirement in the form of team lists may not be altered once the game starts.
but I think it was along the lines of it was a last minute thing that he could play and he arrived during the first half. About 20-25 minutes in I would guess.

Just some advice on this matter, because I've encountered this a few times; I'll ask for teamsheets 30 minutes before a game (comp rules) and I've always had teams dallying because of late arrivals or whatever. They're always surprised when I tell them this, so it might not be common knowledge;

If you think a player is going to be late, or you're 50/50 on whether they will turn up, put them down as the sub.

There's usually no rule stating they have to be there on the day, or before the submission of the team-sheet to be listed on the subs bench. Do this, and then if your player is 20 minutes late after kick off, you've now got a sub option you can use, without any argument. If he doesn't turn up, well, you haven't got a sub to use, but you won't be punished for naming them on the bench.

Obviously, double check your local competition rules, but I believe they won't stop this from happening because it would be absurd to do so.
Just some advice on this matter, because I've encountered this a few times; I'll ask for teamsheets 30 minutes before a game (comp rules) and I've always had teams dallying because of late arrivals or whatever. They're always surprised when I tell them this, so it might not be common knowledge;

If you think a player is going to be late, or you're 50/50 on whether they will turn up, put them down as the sub.

There's usually no rule stating they have to be there on the day, or before the submission of the team-sheet to be listed on the subs bench. Do this, and then if your player is 20 minutes late after kick off, you've now got a sub option you can use, without any argument. If he doesn't turn up, well, you haven't got a sub to use, but you won't be punished for naming them on the bench.

Obviously, double check your local competition rules, but I believe they won't stop this from happening because it would be absurd to do so.
I agree, it would be. I’ll have to check, I’m just the goalkeeper coach and usually run the line if I’m at match day to help out as well as the obvious warming the goalkeeper(s) up. I’ll have to speak to the manager about it as we really don’t want this again. We could have won the game I think especially if we had him play as he’s probably our best player.
Just some advice on this matter, because I've encountered this a few times; I'll ask for teamsheets 30 minutes before a game (comp rules) and I've always had teams dallying because of late arrivals or whatever. They're always surprised when I tell them this, so it might not be common knowledge;

If you think a player is going to be late, or you're 50/50 on whether they will turn up, put them down as the sub.

There's usually no rule stating they have to be there on the day, or before the submission of the team-sheet to be listed on the subs bench. Do this, and then if your player is 20 minutes late after kick off, you've now got a sub option you can use, without any argument. If he doesn't turn up, well, you haven't got a sub to use, but you won't be punished for naming them on the bench.

Obviously, double check your local competition rules, but I believe they won't stop this from happening because it would be absurd to do so.
Exactly this. A bit of proactive work when you get the teamsheets can work wonders here - "No subs today then?" Is quite often replied to by the coach as "we might have a couple if they can get here" to which you can tell them to name them, and if they arrive it's no issue, if not, they've not lost anything.
To allow someone to play who is not on the teamsheet

negates the use of the teamsheet
Agree with the above--who ever is leading the team needs to know the ROC and prepare the sheet accordingly. (My son lost out on playing a baseball game when he was 12 for the same reason--we were coming back form vacation trying to get to the game, and we did. But when he wasn't there for the first pitch, the coach didn't put him on the roster, making him ineligible. Totally on the coach, not the umpires.)
If there are spaces on the team sheet I always ask them are they 100% sure no one else will be turning up. Even if there is only a 10% chance that the striker missing because he was on a bender the night before and hasn't woken up, they should still name him.