Flag and hand signals training

A&H International
It's a good idea, as it is the only way to know what your signals actually look like.

A tip: hold your index finger along the stick of the flag--it will help you have the flag extend from the arm instead of flopping around or drifting backwards.
Given cameras are readily available in all phones, recording yourself training in a park using different angles and watching the recording will give you an even better feedback than mirror training.

Two more tips from me, both common for new AR's

Don't watch your flag when signalling. It's always there :). Watch the FOP or make eye contact with the ref.

Attempting to make your throw in signal sharp subconsciously makes your arm angle too high. 30 degrees to horizon is the best angle. But no higher than 45 degrees.
You either have mirror, record yourself, or enlist the help of a colleague

in black and white, the flag is an extension of your arm. its merely got more visibility. So you should be able to practise the signals with, or without, a flag

one illustration to avoid in the lotg is the sub signal, where the drawing has the flag over the ars eyes. We should strive to see as much as we can, as much of the time. Why the drawing has the flag blocking the ars vision, is criminally insane ( in a football sense). Flag should be higher, not blocking the line of sight, or, off to the side. Either is preferable to covering your face with a piece of cloth.
You either have mirror, record yourself, or enlist the help of a colleague

in black and white, the flag is an extension of your arm. its merely got more visibility. So you should be able to practise the signals with, or without, a flag

one illustration to avoid in the lotg is the sub signal, where the drawing has the flag over the ars eyes. We should strive to see as much as we can, as much of the time. Why the drawing has the flag blocking the ars vision, is criminally insane ( in a football sense). Flag should be higher, not blocking the line of sight, or, off to the side. Either is preferable to covering your face with a piece of cloth.
You mean to say I have been doing it wrong all these years??

You mean to say I have been doing it wrong all these years??


I dont believe for one second you put the flag over your face!

I recall many moons ago the first group practicals i took part in, years before these were a thing, one of our top guys got us along the line and made us make our own sub signal, and, then made a punching sound, hitting his hands into each other, then, asking those who had the flags over their faces as to what has just happened on their pitch ( roleplay exercise).
He goes on well, blue 6 has just punched white 6, but you never saw it because your flag was over your face, and so on
Along with, more in jest than reality, sticking two fingers up at other linesman, along with the magic the beans gesture. Again, missed, from two yards, right in the linos face, due to a flag.

there must be a reason the book shows an AR unable to see. Can only take a guess its a drawing aimed at the lowest common denominator as no match official officiates with their eyes closed ( despite how our decisions appear often)
Such good advice to check the mirror. It might come as a shock when you see yourself on video the first time. And not just signals, whole body.

If you stoop as an AR or run around with dangly arms as a ref you might never realise but it’s so essily spotted and corrected via video. Not that I have any experience in this area myself… mmm