Swapping Shirts


Well-Known Member
Hypothetical question here. Say you have a mass confrontation in your game and you notice that number 5 for the greens was the aggressor so deserves a red. It takes time for things to settle but as you are about to call 5 over to issue the card, you notice him and another player of the same team swapping shirts in what appears to be an attempt to deceive you. What do you do?
A&H International
Send off the player guilty of violent conduct and caution the player now wearing 5 for USB. That would be my opinion on it.
Agreed, and make sure the player you've cautioned has the correct shirt on!
isn't it considered correct protocol to issue cautions before sendings off
You could be even more evil, and before sending off guilty player, issue a yellow for USB, then a straight red for VC. Piles the fines onto him a bit more for being a cheeky mug ;)
You could be even more evil, and before sending off guilty player, issue a yellow for USB, then a straight red for VC. Piles the fines onto him a bit more for being a cheeky mug ;)
As fun as that sounds the law prevents you from doing that. It says punish only the most serious offence (by one player at one time).
You could be even more evil, and before sending off guilty player, issue a yellow for USB, then a straight red for VC. Piles the fines onto him a bit more for being a cheeky mug ;)
I feel sorry for the players in the leagues you referee in! :p
Isn't that only if the offences are committed at the same time?
Yes, but for all intents and purposes this is at the same time. I think what it means is if there is a cautionable offence and a send off offence for the same player, you only show them the red card, not the yellow. If it's two separate cautionable offences then you still penalise both (as the Joey Barton incident earlier in the season helpfully demonstrated!)
I took the wording to mean that if a player kicked somebody off the ball, instead of penalizing for "tripping or attempting to trip an opponent" you would penalize instead for Violent Conduct... as both of those offences were committed at the exact same time. At least that's what I was told. I would still penalize by way of YC and then RC if I felt it was necessary.
As fun as that sounds the law prevents you from doing that. It says punish only the most serious offence (by one player at one time).

However the two offences occurred at different times. That said, you are supposed to then punish the offenses chronologically. Whether you've showed him the red card or not, as soon as he's guilty of VC you can't start giving him more cards for other things he does in between the time of his action and your sanctioning. What you can do, however, is report it as being a special incident.
Even if you do not show the yellow, would you put it on a caution report form as, as you say, they happened at different times and so are different offences?
We don't have them in the UK, we have caution, sending off and misconduct reports.
If no one says anything about it I'm not sending anything in bar the RC, I'll just ignore it and move on.