Fat Football?

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RefChat Addict
Anyone heard of this, just received this from an ex colleague - yes I have checked its not April 1st and she wouldn't wind me up like this ( I hope!)

Her son "who is very large these days, has just started playing Fat Football (or something like that). It's a national thing where they have teams who all have to be over a certain weight to qualify. They are then weighed each week before the game and can get points for their team which equate to goals! They also get points taken away if they put weight on. He's played the last two Sundays - outdoors in wind and rain - but he's enjoying it (and had lost 1 kilo on his first weigh in)! Really hope it goes well and he keeps it up. His team is called FC Porko. There is also Rapid Viennetta and two more equally witty names in their league of four but I've forgotten what they are!!"
A&H International
I've heard of this. I think the actual term is man vs fat football.
Man v Fat football is legitimate and does so much more. Each league has a coach who also provides dietary and healthcare advice.

Think Weight Watchers if Slimming World but aimed at men, with the obvious football involved.

I was a part of two leagues for about a year, playing, as I struggled to drop weight after returning from a serious injury. Watching the guys I was with getter fitter with each passing week was amazing. For some of them this was the first regular exercise they’d done in years but it was a safe space to do it in. Others had issues with their mental health and this was part of the recovery process.

From a refereeing perspective it can be a challenge as any small sided league is. Different rules, the competitive element in an enclosed space etc. I knew where the line was, but could be particularly tough to referee because of that.
Great idea. Extremely challenging to referee. As with all football, the majority of players are great and respectful. The problem that I’ve experienced is that although the idea is great, there are players that are not there for the fat loss and are all out for winning. There are no team managers or captains so when a player is stepping over the line, there’s no one to put them into line. I’ve done it twice and have experienced considerable abuse. Sinbins don’t work and neither do cards. I’ve had a player square up to me over a throw in decision. I walked away part way through to keep myself safe. I then found out I’m the 3rd referee since Christmas to walk away from this particular league due to abuse/behaviour
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