Fourth Official Help

And definitely, definitely, don't stand there with a cup-a-soup or Pot Noodle.

(Apologies to Cramlington United Under 13s on that VERY cold Sunday lunchtime, but I was freezing/hungry/hungover)
A&H International
As a fourth official you are there to do a specific job, running off and acting as ball boy is not part of that and actually is disrespectful to the teams involved where playing a game with a team of 4 officials, versus at very best having a referee only (and often a parent doing the game) is a really big deal.

It's not disrespectful, it's u12s. They don't care about the 4th official once the game is in progress. Theyd rather have the ball back quicker so they can play football.

I played junior finals at several professional football grounds. At 11 years old I would not care one bit about a 4th official getting the ball for me.

It's kids football. It is different to adults (thankfully!).
So the off the ball punch is missed and the one guy who would have seen it is knee deep in a peat bog?

Why would the ar not go mid match to get the ball? Because his role is to be focussed on the game......ditto the 4th, anything else brings a disrespect to the honour of the role

Maybe if the kit man handed the 4th the training gear the 4th could iron it mid match also

Punches. Ironing.

I'm not sure where to start!
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My 3 schools finals all went well, the 4th DID go missing on one of them, that was to go and get medical assistance for an injured player - guess that IS allowed? ;)

One more scheduled - U13s County Cup Final in May.
My 3 schools finals all went well, the 4th DID go missing on one of them, that was to go and get medical assistance for an injured player - guess that IS allowed? ;)

One more scheduled - U13s County Cup Final in May.

Not for me! Think of it this way, if there was no 4th, who gets the help?

if i have ( or am) the 4th, am there to assist the refereeing team.

aa gd as intentions may be
Not for me! Think of it this way, if there was no 4th, who gets the help?

if i have ( or am) the 4th, am there to assist the refereeing team.

aa gd as intentions may be
One of the team officials - actually there was only one team official - so the answer is her I guess and as she would have been reluctant to leave then the help would have been delayed.

It was Under 14s girls, so slim, very slim chance of us 3 on field officials missing something major in the 5 mins the 4th was away versus getting medical help more quickly - think I know which one I'm going for!
Not for me! Think of it this way, if there was no 4th, who gets the help?

if i have ( or am) the 4th, am there to assist the refereeing team.

aa gd as intentions may be

Child protection trumps all refereing protocols, if a child is injured and needs help I can see no issue in the 4th official getting involved. Obviously not at adult football, and certainly not at senior levels, but we are talking U14 here.
Child protection trumps all refereing protocols, if a child is injured and needs help I can see no issue in the 4th official getting involved. Obviously not at adult football, and certainly not at senior levels, but we are talking U14 here.

The 4th is appointed to assist the referee. Same as an AR.
i wont send an ar to get help, nor the 4th.

supppse like most things each to own, my 4th carries out the role of a 4th official though

clearly if its a medical sos, we stop the game etc
Most games exist without a 4th and don't result in any problems - if you do have a 4th, use them for whatever makes your life easier. As a ref who's never had a 4th, I'd be happy if something came up to keep them busy!
Child protection trumps all refereing protocols, if a child is injured and needs help I can see no issue in the 4th official getting involved. Obviously not at adult football, and certainly not at senior levels, but we are talking U14 here.
. . . and as there was only one responsible adult with the team (which in many competitions is not allowed) if that person went for medical assistance there would be a major Child Protection issue while they were absent, so allowing the 4th Official to do so makes sense.
. . . and as there was only one responsible adult with the team (which in many competitions is not allowed) if that person went for medical assistance there would be a major Child Protection issue while they were absent, so allowing the 4th Official to do so makes sense.
TBF I was a little surprised, all my 3 MSFA finals had 2 max teacher/coach/manager with them - that was U14s (Girls) and U15s and U18s boys.