Direct AR promotion at level 4


New Member
Evening all,

I quit refereeing back in 18/19 due to work commitments but thinking about getting back into it. Am I right in thinking I’ll have to ‘start again’ with the course and initial 5 games etc or is there a way or re registering?

Also, back in 18/19 season, it was my understanding that if you wanted to specialise in AR in the long term, this was only possible once you reached L3 and then you could go down that path. Has this since changed, now offering the direct route once at L4? I remember reading an article where it was being put forward but not sure if anything has come of it in the past couple of years. Always loved doing AR and averaged above 73ish consistently over 2 years so would be something I’d consider going forward.
A&H International
Also, back in 18/19 season, it was my understanding that if you wanted to specialise in AR in the long term, this was only possible once you reached L3 and then you could go down that path. Has this since changed, now offering the direct route once at L4? I remember reading an article where it was being put forward but not sure if anything has come of it in the past couple of years. Always loved doing AR and averaged above 73ish consistently over 2 years so would be something I’d consider going forward.
You have to be a level 4 referee for 5 years before AR specialisation. But yes, it is now a possibility.
Yes it is. Forgot that. I wouldn't have ever specialised at level 4. Will consider it as a 3 but my heart is in reffing
After a year or two at L3, the choice often becomes very straightforward. L3 is a tough level to get promoted from as a referee as the competition is very strong. I ended up with an effective choice of either Step 4 middles or Step 1 lines which was a bit of a no brainer :)
After a year or two at L3, the choice often becomes very straightforward. L3 is a tough level to get promoted from as a referee as the competition is very strong. I ended up with an effective choice of either Step 4 middles or Step 1 lines which was a bit of a no brainer :)
Agreed. I always said I hope the decision makes itself.
Honestly, at this point, having never refereed step 3/4 yet, admittedly is I've always said would prefer step 3/4 middles over AR at higher level but you never know how it pans out.
Hoping I start enjoying ARing again having the opportunity to be junior again 😁
Evening all,

I quit refereeing back in 18/19 due to work commitments but thinking about getting back into it. Am I right in thinking I’ll have to ‘start again’ with the course and initial 5 games etc or is there a way or re registering?

Also, back in 18/19 season, it was my understanding that if you wanted to specialise in AR in the long term, this was only possible once you reached L3 and then you could go down that path. Has this since changed, now offering the direct route once at L4? I remember reading an article where it was being put forward but not sure if anything has come of it in the past couple of years. Always loved doing AR and averaged above 73ish consistently over 2 years so would be something I’d consider going forward.
You need to talk to your County FA's Referee Development Officer, as the course has changed radically since 2019.
They will also advise re Child Protection and related issues to smooth your re-registering.
Welcome back!
Hoping I start enjoying ARing again having the opportunity to be junior again 😁
My first ever L3 line was at Wealdstone. Both of the ARs appointed were newly promoted and I ended up bench side ... before the realisation dawned that if the ref got injured I'd be going straight from reffing in the Spartan Premier to the National South!! The good news for everyone was fortunately that didn't actually occur :rolleyes:
Yes it is. Forgot that. I wouldn't have ever specialised at level 4. Will consider it as a 3 but my heart is in reffing

It's the pathway I intend to take, either after being at 4 for 3 sessions or getting to 3. Been double promoted to 5 this season so gave myself another 6 seasons to get on the AR pathway, I'd like to think it'll be sooner though. I enjoy AR, and always have done, I'm not a fan of being the one who gets moaned at the most 😂
If you quit in 18/19 that means your last registration date will have been 30/04/19 and you will have gone three seasons unregistered, The regulations are that if you have between two and three seasons unregistered you just have to pass a LoTG exam and are returned to your previous level.