Great assistants today

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
So, first game back in the fifth tier after 11 months away thanks to metatarsal woe. I was very happy as overall I felt just a shade under where I was this time last year, when I felt I was really rocking.

One very 2022 handball penalty. Defender with his arm out 6 yards out, ball bounces up, unnatural position, making his body bigger, unjustifiable. I gave it. On another day I would not. Classic really and reminded me why I really hate the handball law is it is very subjective now. A friend, who is also an assessor, watched, pointed out I could have given one sterner warning, been a bit more aggressive with my posture and location for a card near the box - valid points, I've been watching too much passive premier league. And I missed one yellow card. A lad made a basic foul in midfield next to me, then did a penguin dive to imitate the opponent and insinuate a dive. It was funny but I should have carded. Four other yellows, all good. Two very timely interventions in the last few mins. A couple of well timed advantages. One little foul leading to throw in - I got confused - ball was in play - just give the foul - I'll remember for next time.

And the assistants. They both do a level higher. They were both A1 top drawer, one 19, one 45. I try to do the same for my referees. Working hard as an assistant has undoubtedly made me a better referee, and working with great assistants really made the match today. Total confidence throughout. AR1 was just brilliant, perfect communication. No surprises. Nice one guys!
A&H International
So, first game back in the fifth tier after 11 months away thanks to metatarsal woe. I was very happy as overall I felt just a shade under where I was this time last year, when I felt I was really rocking.

One very 2022 handball penalty. Defender with his arm out 6 yards out, ball bounces up, unnatural position, making his body bigger, unjustifiable. I gave it. On another day I would not. Classic really and reminded me why I really hate the handball law is it is very subjective now. A friend, who is also an assessor, watched, pointed out I could have given one sterner warning, been a bit more aggressive with my posture and location for a card near the box - valid points, I've been watching too much passive premier league. And I missed one yellow card. A lad made a basic foul in midfield next to me, then did a penguin dive to imitate the opponent and insinuate a dive. It was funny but I should have carded. Four other yellows, all good. Two very timely interventions in the last few mins. A couple of well timed advantages. One little foul leading to throw in - I got confused - ball was in play - just give the foul - I'll remember for next time.

And the assistants. They both do a level higher. They were both A1 top drawer, one 19, one 45. I try to do the same for my referees. Working hard as an assistant has undoubtedly made me a better referee, and working with great assistants really made the match today. Total confidence throughout. AR1 was just brilliant, perfect communication. No surprises. Nice one guys!
My two very pleasing observation scores this season. Both attributable to near perfect AR displays