What's the latest time in a game you've given a card?


Level 4 Referee
Level 4 Referee
88 minutes for me, yesterday, tasty ish game (more so before ht, seemed to settle afterwards).

No reckless tackles in there, no moaning etc that was ott, felt words to the players/captain would work, and did.

Anyway, team 4-1 up, player off down the wing, about parallel to the penalty area and outside the PA, obvious simulation after a tackle came in...

Blow for the offence, call him over, name number etc, in front of his bench, it's all gonna kick off...

Not a word from him or the bench.

If Carlsberg did cautions!
A&H International
Cards generally come in the later stages of a match anyway. ;)

I've given a red for OFFINABUS 30 seconds from full time and also (different game) a red after full time (whilst still on the field) for the same reason.
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Tossed a coach (before we showed coaches cards) with two minutes left. His team was winning. In a league that a coach dismissal was a forfeit and an additional point ding in the standings.
Contrib game in 2014 (I think), a couple of cards in the 90 minutes and all under control. By the end of stoppage time there had been 3 reds, 10 yellows and a couple of coaches binned. All hell broke loose in added time, and if ever there was a game I wished I hadn't added any time that was it.
I’ve had two reds and a yellow for the same team after full time (while I was still on the pitch). That reduced them to six players so thankfully the game was already over!
About 30 seconds after final whistle. Player came up speaking in an aggressive manner in a foreign language. Was obvious that they were being aggressive but not idea if OFFINABUS. So gave yellow for AAA.
Have had send off just before full time whistle without the restart happening. Also had cautions in multiple occasions. TBH I would have thought this could be the case for many other referees as well. Often in grassroots, towards the end of the game the losing teams gets physical and some malice tackles happen, especially frustrated attackers on defenders. If I have 30 seconds left and one side is more than two goals up, restarting doesn't makes sense to me unless it's pen or a free kick into the PA.
Saturday 65th minute Green team's goal keeper shouts homophobic slur at Red team's striker. Whistle, name, number, Red for OFFINABUS. Incidentally was second game of the season. Then nearly had red next day but missed it and got told by mentor/experience referee who was watching who've I had encounters with before. Who said it was very sneaky and was likely I wouldn't have seen it. Second one if seen would have been for violent conduct as there was no intention to play the ball.

Edit: Ironically changed to Incidentally
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Saturday 65th minute Green team's goal keeper shouts homophobic slur at Red team's striker. Whistle, name, number, Red for OFFINABUS. Ironically was second game of the season. Then nearly had red next day but missed it and got told by mentor/experience referee who was watching who've I had encounters with before. Who said it was very sneaky and was likely I wouldn't have seen it. Second one if seen would have been for violent conduct as there was no intention to play the ball.

What's ironic?
Red for SFP on 90+3' Saturday just gone. Red for VC in a cup game on 120' about 10 years ago. Caution for a GK during a penalty shootout when I was reffing abroad in August. Red for a manager after the final whistle last season, and red for the away team captain for a homophobic insult after the final whistle 4/5 years ago.
Not me personally, but a mate sent a couple of players off while collecting medals in a final! The presentation was taking place on the FOP directly after full time.. Deserved INOFFABUS though.
90+6 for delaying restart of play.

Excluding the post full time dismissals for foul and abusive whenever players have come up after full time…
Red card in the last minute of normal time in U15s games on two occasions, both for being way too mouthy and crossing the line into OFFINABUS!