First time refereeing in a Sunday league


Active Member
I referee open age football on a Saturday and now I’m starting refereeing on Sunday in a tough open age league. Does anyone find Sunday football tougher and have any tips ? Thanks ( I’m also u18)
A&H International
Sunday league is/can be a different animal from Saturday league. Saturday leagues are definitely more 'serious', on Sundays I think many players tend to play with mates, and skill levels (and aggression levels) can vary massively within teams. You also have the added bonus of drunk/hungover players.
Of course everybody can make own mind up, but seeing as you ask, my opinion is stay away, given you are 18, there must be plenty juvenile leagues, womans, where you can fine tune your newly found talent, without the wtf aggro Sunday league brings

a lot of it requires life skills, which through no fault of your own, you 99% wont have yet.

stick to enjoying over challenging for now. A kid turning up to Sunday League is automatically on a hiding to nothing

disclaimer, of course this is not gospel and there will be exceptions
Some of the stereotypes about Sunday football are fair, some are wildly outdated and some vary from league to league and up and down the divisions.

My personal opinion is that a lot of the stereotypes aren't really that relevant any more. Specifically at low levels, the deciding factor on if a team plays Saturday or Sunday isn't when they want to go drinking, or if they want to fight or not, it's down to when they have free time. So you'll get Sunday teams that are good as gold and only play Sunday because some of them work/play semi-pro Saturdays, and you'll have Saturday teams who are up for a fight but happen to play Saturdays because that's when a pitch is free or that's when their partners can look after the kids.

I'm not someone who likes to do "research" pre-match, so I turn up to my Saturday games with an open mind, see what mood the players are in, how seriously they take their warm ups, what the first few tackles are like and go from there. That method works perfectly well for me, Saturdays or Sundays, up and down the levels. Sometimes Sunday teams just want to have a kick about, and if you're turning up every time expecting World War 3, you can end up becoming an obstacle to enjoyment and part of the problem.

If they're playing in the right spirit, let them. If they're not, get involved. And that applies regardless of which day the match is happening on.