Players Saying No Foul/Wrong Decision


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
When I get a scrapy game where people are more interested in letting off steam than playing football (Typically my Div 3 bottom of the league clashes) this phenomena seems to always happen.

I give a decision and I over hear the players discussing the decision 'I cannot believe he's given me that'. I've seen pushes on players backs, player goes down and the player says: 'how did I get that to the opposite team'.

It is so frustrating to have players say it in front of you. Only happens in these types of games.

My instinct is just to stick with my original decision. But a part of me would love to be like: "so that isn't a corner, thanks number 4, goal kick".
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A&H International
This is annoying. And you just start doubt everything. I'm trying to ignore those but sometimes it's just ridiculous.

Long ball from goal kick. White player jumps for a header, red player pushes him on the back. I stand two meters away at this point, to their side so the shove in the back is perfectly visible and more than clear. I blow a whistle and red player is all surprised, like he didn't even touch him and all that...🤷
If you get the sense that it's happening a lot, wait for the next decision they disagree with.
Blow your whistle, invite the offender and their captain over.
Politely explain that the next time they offer their feedback they'll get to enjoy a ten-minute rest.
Then follow through with it.
This is one of my own great problems - I let too much backchat go, then fail to do anything about it until it's late into the match.
@JBeil I completely agree.

My issue is, every time they do it, I say in my head 'one more time' and just as I am about to do something it stops. It is always just below the line. But I imagine a more experienced referee would either not be phased by it as it is too low level or handle it appropriately.

That is the issue I have right now being a new referee. The players don't have to like you or agree with your decision, but they have to accept it.