How to prepare for Level 5-4 Fitness Test


Active Member
Recently got promoted to level 5 and I’m going to try for level 4 next season. I was wondering what is the best way to prepare for the fitness test ?
A&H International
@es1 Whaaaaaaaaaat, didn't know there were audio files for this available. This is great! I have a while before I have to pass a fitness test but am starting to think about training up for it now and this is a super helpful resource. Thank you 🙏
@es1 How did you find training for your fitness test? Did you train for a while before it or was it something you naturally geared up for through your usual referee training regiment?

My fitness is decent but it's not my strength. I have a couple years before I'll need to pass one but want to start preparing for it now. Any advice would be helpful :)
Honestly...fitness is far from a strength of mine as well, but I found this test a piece of piss compared to the older test (2600m in 12 min continuous run).

Get yourself used to the pace needed and try and get yourself moving as the whistle to start the run sounds. You might only get through 5/10/15 reps initially but work up from there

It's all in your head and remember, you're never more than 17 seconds away from resting
It's all in your head and remember, you're never more than 17 seconds away from resting

This is a great mentality! Going to keep this with me.

You might only get through 5/10/15 reps initially but work up from there

Definitely. I think I'm scared by the x40 but have to remember I can start small and make small improvements until I get there. Just get 1% better every time out and I'll be good!
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This is a great mentality! Going to keep this with me.

Definitely. I think I'm scared by the x40 but have to remember I can start small and make small improvements until I get there. Just get 1% better every time out and I'll be good!
40 reps sounds a lot, but it goes very quickly and once you're past half way just keep the legs going and you'll get there.

Plus, and this is from experience, the test isn't invigilated too harshly so they won't fail you if you're there or thereabouts
Thanks so much!

I'll also come back to this thread and thank you again when I do pass 😛
Recently got promoted to level 5 and I’m going to try for level 4 next season. I was wondering what is the best way to prepare for the fitness test ?
Make sure your Blood Pressure is within the acceptable range.

Else you'll have failed before you've started...
You can start a fitness program by following few steps
  • Prepare a schedule and start by doing small things
  • If you think you have a weak core work on the sits ups with your knees closer to your chest
  • Make sure you warm up before every session
  • Do some Push ups , sit ups ,two mile run and bench press.
  • Design your fitness program
  • Consider your fitness goal
  • Start low and progress slowly
  • Plan to include different activities
  • Assess your fitness level
  • Assemble your equipment
  • Monitor your progress