Liverpool Vs Arsenal

Read from a fairly reliable source that CH was suppose to be observing some officials on a National League South game on Monday but got taken off of that or took himself off of it. Don't know exactly how true that is though.
A&H International
Read from a fairly reliable source that CH was suppose to be observing some officials on a National League South game on Monday but got taken off of that or took himself off of it. Don't know exactly how true that is though.
Would make sense, what you don’t want is him being there and the press turning up trying to get snaps and/or people in the crowd pestering him.
We've all made mistakes and regretted it immediately, you take the consequences and you move on. There is no way that he should lose his job.

Someone mentioned on the Mexican refs page that officials have to behave to a higher standard than players. In theory, this is correct, in reality we are all human and on occasions the chimp part of the brain reacts before our rational part kicks in.

Did it look like an overreaction? Yes, had Robertson been going on at the guy all half? Most likely, that doesn't mean that it justifies the reaction but, it can explain why it happened. Hopefully, he'll be back running the line next season.
We've all made mistakes and regretted it immediately, you take the consequences and you move on. There is no way that he should lose his job.

Someone mentioned on the Mexican refs page that officials have to behave to a higher standard than players. In theory, this is correct, in reality we are all human and on occasions the chimp part of the brain reacts before our rational part kicks in.

Did it look like an overreaction? Yes, had Robertson been going on at the guy all half? Most likely, that doesn't mean that it justifies the reaction but, it can explain why it happened. Hopefully, he'll be back running the line next season.


I think it’s feasible that he tried to shrug him off but did it too viciously and ended up catching him in the face by accident. If you watch the video the AR only looks around after he catches him suggesting that he didn’t mean to elbow him in the face. Actions have consequences unfortunately..
We've all made mistakes and regretted it immediately, you take the consequences and you move on. There is no way that he should lose his job.

Someone mentioned on the Mexican refs page that officials have to behave to a higher standard than players. In theory, this is correct, in reality we are all human and on occasions the chimp part of the brain reacts before our rational part kicks in.

Did it look like an overreaction? Yes, had Robertson been going on at the guy all half? Most likely, that doesn't mean that it justifies the reaction but, it can explain why it happened. Hopefully, he'll be back running the line next season.
If Robertson has been going on at him all half, why no dissent caution? Officials have the tools to deal with persistent dissent - if it's wound him up to the extent that he wants to elbow the guy in the throat but he's not asked for a card from the ref, that's just another mistake by the officials.

Again, I don't think we would apply that kind of excuse to a player doing this. See Nunez towards the start of this season - spends 60 minutes being chirped away at, shoved and niggly kicks from a defender, but when he turns round and headbutts him, it's (correctly) universally agreed that he should control his temper better.

All condemnation comes towards him rather than the player who has been deliberately winding him up. And I think we should be applying the same standards here, not looking for excuses in the "victim's" behaviour.
The behavior of the player matters a lot he must show his enthusiasm toward the game and tried not to harm others consciously or unconsciously.
If Robertson has been going on at him all half, why no dissent caution? Officials have the tools to deal with persistent dissent - if it's wound him up to the extent that he wants to elbow the guy in the throat but he's not asked for a card from the ref, that's just another mistake by the officials.

Again, I don't think we would apply that kind of excuse to a player doing this. See Nunez towards the start of this season - spends 60 minutes being chirped away at, shoved and niggly kicks from a defender, but when he turns round and headbutts him, it's (correctly) universally agreed that he should control his temper better.

All condemnation comes towards him rather than the player who has been deliberately winding him up. And I think we should be applying the same standards here, not looking for excuses in the "victim's" behaviour.
This comes up time after time. The powers that be do not want dissent cautions and OFFINABUS reds in the top levels of the game unless it is so very obvious everyone knows what has happened. If a referee sticks their head above the parapet it will get shot off and they won't get games at that level if they keep doing it. We might not like it, but that is reality, and not just in England but rather in most countries in the world.

Ask yourself this. If you've worked for years to get to referee in the Premier League and FIFA, would you start throwing around cautions and reds for dissent and OFFINABUS knowing that it would almost certainly halt, and more than likely kill, your career? And it is a career as at that level they have given up their jobs to become full time referees, with absolutely no guarantee of being able to go back to their old career. I certainly wouldn't, and I don't believe anyone can honestly say they would.
This comes up time after time. The powers that be do not want dissent cautions and OFFINABUS reds in the top levels of the game unless it is so very obvious everyone knows what has happened. If a referee sticks their head above the parapet it will get shot off and they won't get games at that level if they keep doing it. We might not like it, but that is reality, and not just in England but rather in most countries in the world.

Ask yourself this. If you've worked for years to get to referee in the Premier League and FIFA, would you start throwing around cautions and reds for dissent and OFFINABUS knowing that it would almost certainly halt, and more than likely kill, your career? And it is a career as at that level they have given up their jobs to become full time referees, with absolutely no guarantee of being able to go back to their old career. I certainly wouldn't, and I don't believe anyone can honestly say they would.
The powers that be don't want their officials throwing elbows at players throats either! In this context that's a nonsense argument, because a dissent caution would clearly have been the lesser of two evils.
The powers that be don't want their officials throwing elbows at players throats either! In this context that's a nonsense argument, because a dissent caution would clearly have been the lesser of two evils.
Not that nonsense an argument, given that there is to be no further action against Hatzidakis, which means as far as the FA's discipline department is concerned there was no elbow thrown.
Not that nonsense an argument, given that there is to be no further action against Hatzidakis, which means as far as the FA's discipline department is concerned there was no elbow thrown.
Oh right. Silly me. The FA have spoken, now we all just grovel and line up to have our memories erased by the men in black...
This is what @one was saying on the previous page - closing ranks and giving the official excuses.

We wouldn't do the same if this was two players. We'd be calling that an act of unnecessary brutality, no one would argue with a red and the only questions would be how many extra games. Trying to blame Robertson and go on larger points about behaviour in football is all just deflection - and it's an approach we wouldn't realistically indulge if not for an instinct to protect a match official.

I can only assume you deliberately ignore parts that discredit YOUR OPINION on purpose. You do this continuously on this forum and it's quite disingenuous (and very annoying)
I have answered your point.
Can't help but feel you're just looking for an argument when you post on here.
That statement sounds like doublespeak from Hatzidakis. The follow up question is did he mean to make contact as he moved his arm towards him?
I can only assume you deliberately ignore parts that discredit YOUR OPINION on purpose. You do this continuously on this forum and it's quite disingenuous (and very annoying)
I have answered your point.
Can't help but feel you're just looking for an argument when you post on here.
We're doing personal attacks now are we?

The post you're quoting has likes from multiple other members which implies agreement. Are they also being disingenuous by association? Or is it possible that I'm making perfectly valid arguments and you're just resorting to attacking me rather than just putting a coherent argument together?
I think one thing that officials may take on this if anything similar happens again, make sure you make it visible it was not intentional and not just walk off. In fairness to the linesman he slightly raises his arm out which you could interpret as an apology gesture but when you see Dermot Gallagher on sky on Sunday evening talking about it and looking/sounding stunned then even he must thought it did not look good on the linesman.
Oh right. Silly me. The FA have spoken, now we all just grovel and line up to have our memories erased by the men in black...
They aren't the men in black, the FA have absolutely nothing to do with refereeing in the Premier League, that is all PGMOL.

The FA discipline department that have cleared him are not, bar one obvious example who won't have been involved, referees.
They aren't the men in black, the FA have absolutely nothing to do with refereeing in the Premier League, that is all PGMOL.

The FA discipline department that have cleared him are not, bar one obvious example who won't have been involved, referees.

None of which changes the point. FA deciding they don't want to punish him a) doesn't mean nothing happened and b) doesn't mean not punishing him was the right decision.

I've had cause to say this in another context on here recently, but someone being in a position of authority doesn't suddenly make them automatically correct.
I have been accused on here before of being overly critical of my colleagues, so I’m the last person here who’s going to close ranks around them.

That being said though, what a fantastic call by the FA. For me it’s nothing more than the AR shrugging Robbo off and catching him by mistake.

And then the “hard man” Robertson started crying about it. Keane was spot on and destroyed him. “What a baby.” The pundits all laughing with him hurt Robertson even more.

The FA made the right call and didn’t back to peer pressure. Would’ve loved to see Robertson get a ban for the contact with the ref but that would start WW3 after the AR has got nothing 😂 . I’m presuming the main person defending Robertson here is a Liverpool fan.
Transparency in football is non-existent so there is little chance of the FA releasing the audio from the assistant's mic but I'm assuming the FA would have listened to it as part of their investigation. The assistant says that the contact was accidental. No further action is the correct outcome if intent cannot be proved. Now it's time to stop players approaching officials so that something similar doesn't happen again.