Older new ref


Active Member
After seeing a post by a new ref here who is doing well, I was wondering if it’s worth me going for promotion next season.

I only ref u18 and u16 games so just wonder if there is any point other than a bit of pride? I’m 47 and I do this to help grass routes, and keep fit.

I really enjoy it too which helps!
A&H International
Are you planning to do open age at any point? Part of the progression pathway involves refereeing a set number of open age games so if not then I am not sure the progression pathway is right for you.

However, what I will say is what I say to anyone wondering if the promotion pathway is right for them:

The promotion pathway is right for anyone that wants to improve as a referee. Even if they have zero aspirations to referee at a higher level, but still want to be the best referee at the level they have chosen to referee at.

Why would you not take the opportunity for the development? I've learnt so much from different observers (or assessors as they were once known). Even small minute changes can help us improve as referees. Things we probably don't even know we do. But also to know you are doing stuff right.

Being a referee can be a lonely job. So to have someone neutral come out to support you, remind you how good you are in some areas and help you with areas to work on. No brainer, no?
Good points.
While I have no intention to ref higher levels, it does sound like a good way to learn.
I would say go for promotion, you'll have more options of higher quality games, I think if you're a level 5 as well you'd be more likely to be appointed to FA competitions. I had none in my 4 seasons as a 7, then got 4 in my first season (this season) as a 5.

I would say definitely go for it.
After seeing a post by a new ref here who is doing well, I was wondering if it’s worth me going for promotion next season.

I only ref u18 and u16 games so just wonder if there is any point other than a bit of pride? I’m 47 and I do this to help grass routes, and keep fit.

I really enjoy it too which helps!
You will need to referee in open age for the required minimum number of matches, details of which will be on your County FA website.
There are a couple of other requirements, also listed there.
Good luck.
Don’t look back and wonder what if? Just go for it. If it goes well then great and if it’s not for you, there’s no regrets 👍
Ori, I'm a little younger than you.
Started in Feb this year and I am desperate to get up through the levels (if I rightfully earn it).
I find refereeing the grassroots teenagers a lot more physically demanding and mentally draining than the grassroots adults (most of the time).
Get involved in the adults game. Being more old/mature really helps me and I find the adults take a loss a lot better, they are animals for the 90, but once the final whistle goes, they turn back in to human beings.
There are 1 or 2 u15 / U16 sides I wince when getting appointments for, but I really enjoy all my adult appointments.
The hard part is getting the observers to show!
Ori, I'm a little younger than you.
Started in Feb this year and I am desperate to get up through the levels (if I rightfully earn it).
I find refereeing the grassroots teenagers a lot more physically demanding and mentally draining than the grassroots adults (most of the time).
Get involved in the adults game. Being more old/mature really helps me and I find the adults take a loss a lot better, they are animals for the 90, but once the final whistle goes, they turn back in to human beings.
There are 1 or 2 u15 / U16 sides I wince when getting appointments for, but I really enjoy all my adult appointments.
The hard part is getting the observers to show!
Match Day Coaches are usually active referees themselves, or in addition to the the MDC role many are observers or have some other role.
The important thing is to ensure the Co-ordinator knows where, when and whom you are refereeing, so they can arrange attendance.
As you only need two MDC attendances at your level, it should be achievable.
Match Day Coaches are usually active referees themselves, or in addition to the the MDC role many are observers or have some other role.
The important thing is to ensure the Co-ordinator knows where, when and whom you are refereeing, so they can arrange attendance.
As you only need two MDC attendances at your level, it should be achievable.
I didn't mean that to sound as critical as it did. I've had 4 observations arranged and 1 actual observation. All cancellations were done with adequate notice and for genuine reasons.
But I might get my 2nd on Monday. So fingers crossed.