youth manager "i've never heard of sin bins".

My first caution came in my first game at...... U12s 👀 we've been on an upward trend from there 🤣
I gave out 2 at U11s! 1 at U12s as well. My card count is quite low as well, shows how deserved they both were.

The second one at U11s is the funniest one. Away team player unnecessarily lash out post 50-50, silly and reckless, yellow. My away team CAR started calling for a yellow, which I awarded, before having a word with him and saying that I only wanted him to call ins and outs and he apologized. Turns out not only was he calling for a yellow for his own team, it was his own son!
A&H International
^^I suspect this is the answer.^^ Or at least that he hasn't been in a game that has had dissent sanctioned before.

Obviously the coach should know anyway, but certainly in my experience (as a parent of two youth players), sanctions of any kind seem to be extremely rare in youth football, and the coach could easily have coached for several years without seeing any sanction at all, never mind a temporary dismissal.
I reckon I have seen my children play in at least 150 games at aged U12 or above since temporary dismissals have been in existence, and have seen a fair amount of sanctionable dissent, but have only seen a single temporary dismissal issued [just a few weeks ago in an U16 game (following repeated aggressive dissent throughout the game by the same player)].

It isn't just temporary dismissals though, it is all sanctions.
In the same 150+ games I think I have additionally seen 2 dismissals and at most 10 cautions for all reasons [playing and non-playing] (almost all of which were during matches at aged U15 or U16).

In watching over 500 games at U11 or younger I don't recall seeing a single caution or dismissal despite plenty of sanctionable behaviour.

For a larger sample: The junior club for which I volunteer (currently with 18 teams from U7 to U16) has received just 4 dismissals and 24 cautions in total in the past 9 years [figures from Whole Game System, so if any were not officially reported they will not be included]).
They are a well-run club with the right attitude and do weed out the problem players & coaches fairly effectively, but I don't think they are particularly unusual / an extreme outlier.

Just to be clear, the above is just to give some context and is not in any way intended to suggest that the OP shouldn't have sanctioned. Quite the contrary, I can't abide dissent and (coming from a rugby background) would like it more effectively dealt with at all levels of the game.
Wwoahhh you only seen 2 reds in under 15/16 ??? 😳😳
Yes, I wouldn’t worry about that at all. That just shows the league how sporting they are - they lost heavily and mark the referee low as a result.

Adult leagues are expected to explain low marks - usually either below 40 or below 60 - with a written report. I’m not sure about youth leagues because often the clubs find their own ref, and if it’s a coach then getting a low mark from the other team wouldn’t be unexpected.

As has been said, it’s uncommon for cards to be used, especially at the younger ages. I won’t do younger children because of this. Well done for not accepting this dissent. Hopefully he will learn a lesson from it.
Same rules apply. It is part of the SCOR (Y) from the FA. No letter should equal fine for club