Jewellery - when did it change?

That must have been some ring. I only have a thin wedding band and I dont remove it for anything. Its very tight fitting and has been on my finger for 37 years. The ages of kids I ref have never had any jewellery anyhow.
It's metal onto a thin bit of flesh with hard bone behind, it really doesn't take much. Was a standard gold wedding band!

I took mine off even when not going for promotions because 1. saved me grief and 2. it feels grim when you sweat underneath one
A&H International
So one of my recent games, a girl of Indian decent had a "cloth" bracelet on. I of course told her to remove it but, they (her and her coach) seemed prepared for that and quickly told me that it was "religious". I was like...ah, ****. I don't want to get into a religious issue and I don't know anything about the Indian religious or cultures...so I made them tape up her wrist. First time anyone ever pulled the religious card on me for jewelry.
So one of my recent games, a girl of Indian decent had a "cloth" bracelet on. I of course told her to remove it but, they (her and her coach) seemed prepared for that and quickly told me that it was "religious". I was like...ah, ****. I don't want to get into a religious issue and I don't know anything about the Indian religious or cultures...so I made them tape up her wrist. First time anyone ever pulled the religious card on me for jewelry.

I've had that a few times. There is an FA guidance that if a person cannot be separated from jewellery for religious reasons they can wear it taped to their chest. In practice I tell people they can put it in their socks.
Not for me. I am not doing any promotions or trying to impress anybody so my ring stays. I only do low level grassroots so I am not concerned about it at all.

I dunno, Law 5 is pretty unambiguous on this:

Referees and other ‘on-field’ match officials are prohibited from wearing jewellery ...

As referees, surely our job is to see that the laws are complied with?
I dunno, Law 5 is pretty unambiguous on this:

As referees, surely our job is to see that the laws are complied with?
Like I say,I don't referee at a level where it matters. My attitude is 'Let the kids play and only intervene where absolutely necessary.' This situation doesnt endanger anybody,including myself. It's these petty things that are a part of me having never had any ambition to ever progress. Of course this doesnt mean safety is ignored,quite the opposite,but this is in no way dangerous and a piece of tape would close the matter completely for me.
Anyone thinking flat rigs can't be that dangerous click on this google search images. (or manually google search "ring injury finger")


WARNING: Do not click if you have hemophobia (google may hid the more graphical images anyway)
Like I say,I don't referee at a level where it matters. My attitude is 'Let the kids play and only intervene where absolutely necessary.' This situation doesnt endanger anybody,including myself. It's these petty things that are a part of me having never had any ambition to ever progress. Of course this doesnt mean safety is ignored,quite the opposite,but this is in no way dangerous and a piece of tape would close the matter completely for me.
Especially with kids I cannot see how asking the odd teenager to remove a chain or ring is more hassle than the tape not doing its job and doing serious damage
Like I say,I don't referee at a level where it matters. My attitude is 'Let the kids play and only intervene where absolutely necessary.' This situation doesnt endanger anybody,including myself. It's these petty things that are a part of me having never had any ambition to ever progress. Of course this doesnt mean safety is ignored,quite the opposite,but this is in no way dangerous and a piece of tape would close the matter completely for me.
It doesn't matter what level you referee at, the law is the same, referees cannot wear jewellery. It quite literally is black and white, in wearing a ring you are failing to proficiently apply the laws of the game and if someone reported you there's a chance you could be charged.

If you let players play with taped up jewellery, sorry but that makes you last weeks' referee that makes life harder for all other referees.
Like I say,I don't referee at a level where it matters. My attitude is 'Let the kids play and only intervene where absolutely necessary.' This situation doesnt endanger anybody,including myself. It's these petty things that are a part of me having never had any ambition to ever progress. Of course this doesnt mean safety is ignored,quite the opposite,but this is in no way dangerous and a piece of tape would close the matter completely for me.
Until you swing an arm out to indicate the direction of a restart and clatter someone across the mouth cracking one or more of their teeth. By circumventing the law yourself, you render any protection therein void. So if mummy or daddy decide to bill you for the dental repairs to little Jimmy, you really don't have any defence against their action.
In the US at lower levels, I think it is common for the ref’s wedding ring to be seen as the one exception to the “no jewelry” rule. I think, but am too lazy to look it up, that it used to be in the official USSf guidance. (At the levels I do, I don’t take off my wedding ring.)
Like I say,I don't referee at a level where it matters. My attitude is 'Let the kids play and only intervene where absolutely necessary.' This situation doesnt endanger anybody,including myself. It's these petty things that are a part of me having never had any ambition to ever progress. Of course this doesnt mean safety is ignored,quite the opposite,but this is in no way dangerous and a piece of tape would close the matter completely for me.
And it's this attitude which causes other referee's countless issues.

Disregarding laws to suit you is a hindrance to other officials, and also the participants in the game.

Similar to the other thread regarding Sin Bins, we simply cannot ignore acts of dissent by word or action simply because it's (potentially) cold.

Please don't be "last week's ref", it creates problems for the rest of us applying the Laws of the Game during our fixtures.
In the US at lower levels, I think it is common for the ref’s wedding ring to be seen as the one exception to the “no jewelry” rule. I think, but am too lazy to look it up, that it used to be in the official USSf guidance. (At the levels I do, I don’t take off my wedding ring.)
Common sense at last.
Yes,but its only a small part (like the wife is constantly telling me!) Mainly its the officious and self important nature of a few of the refs I've that keeps me content on the lower rungs of the ladder.
Sadly my friend, you are misguided.

If all you ever do/did was kid's football, then there was never any chance of progressing anyway.

If you choose to ignore the LOTG and make up your own operating procedure, (such as demonstrated in this thread and the one regarding Sin Bins at youth level) then again, there was never any chance of progressing. ;)
I don't referee at a level where it matters.

The only level at which it doesn't matter is no level at all. This exact attitude is why referees who are interested in doing their job properly get a hard time week in and week out. If not for your own pride, at least do it for your colleagues' sanity.
Mainly its the officious and self important nature of a few of the refs I've that keeps me content on the lower rungs of the ladder.
I get this, I really do, but they're officious for a reason: You don't get promoted by missing the small stuff like this, it will hold you back.

Almost every ref I've met like this (some exceptions, smug d*ckheads do exist) I've though "alright it's not that big a deal" before eventually becoming just like them because it does save you hassle in the long term and helps set the tone early.
Sadly my friend, you are misguided.

If all you ever do/did was kid's football, then there was never any chance of progressing anyway.

If you choose to ignore the LOTG and make up your own operating procedure, (such as demonstrated in this thread and the one regarding Sin Bins at youth level) then again, there was never any chance of progressing. ;)
There probably was mate. I care so little about the role outside of the matches themselves that I operate with no too much pressure myself. I am a pretty decent referee in relation to my local standard. I could easily have progressed but it was never my intention to. I am simply a paid volunteer and facilitator of youth football and I am proud of that. Internet chat rooms are very poor judges of people in the real world.