Sin bin goal keeper?


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Hey all, apologies if this has been asked already, however doing various searches I couldn’t see a thread.

Ok, it’s happened to me a few times this season in Open Age men’s football, the decision goes against their team and then the keeper starts shouting the odds, if it was an outfield player straight away, C2 your timer starts on my whistle see you in 10 minutes, however I’m not sure what to do with keepers as in my experience they can be the worst culprits!! In the occasions this season, I’ve called the keeper and captain together and given them the third degree…. Should I sin him the keeper, allowing for the delay in the game as they have to scramble to get someone else to go in goal- from a game management perspective this could be 2-4 minutes of additional time
Has anyone encountered this? Welcome any advice.
A&H International
Hey all, apologies if this has been asked already, however doing various searches I couldn’t see a thread.

Ok, it’s happened to me a few times this season in Open Age men’s football, the decision goes against their team and then the keeper starts shouting the odds, if it was an outfield player straight away, C2 your timer starts on my whistle see you in 10 minutes, however I’m not sure what to do with keepers as in my experience they can be the worst culprits!! In the occasions this season, I’ve called the keeper and captain together and given them the third degree…. Should I sin him the keeper, allowing for the delay in the game as they have to scramble to get someone else to go in goal- from a game management perspective this could be 2-4 minutes of additional time
Has anyone encountered this? Welcome any advice.
Yes sin bin him
You're certainly correct in that goalkeepers can be the worst offenders. And I think part of the reason that they are the worst is that they think referees won't take action against them- after all, they do tend to be a bit of a protected species!

If their initial outburst is something you think is manageable without the need for a sin bin, I'd certainly be making them aware that they are eligible for the sin bin (I think some of them have an idea that they aren't) and that the 10 minutes does not start until the game restarts with someone else in goal. If they have any common sense, that should be enough to keep them quiet.

If they are stupid enough to continue, then sin bin it is. I do appreciate they can be difficult to handle, especially where a goalkeeper is involved. More often than not, if the keeper is unhappy, his team are losing. If they're losing, they're less likely to try and slow the game down, which is where the additional time you mention comes from. But if they aren't losing and it looks like they are trying to slow things down or they are genuinely struggling to find a replacement keeper; make the opposition aware of what is going on and that the 10 minutes will not start until the game restarts. 9 times out of 10, they'll be happy with this as they are going to get 10 mins against 10 men, plus the added bonus of a non-goalkeeper in goal.

We could go on forever on dissent and how to deal with it. The main thing is that you don't ignore it. Whether that means a b*llocking or a sin bin is down to you and the situation.
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I sometimes think keepers get a bad press as yes, they are the loudest, but that's because they are further away and therefore shouting louder.

Standard approach though, quiet chat, warn, warn with captain, caution and sin bin, skipping one or more of those steps depending on how obvious dissent it is. They certainly shouldn't get a free pass.
I sometimes think keepers get a bad press as yes, they are the loudest, but that's because they are further away and therefore shouting louder.

Standard approach though, quiet chat, warn, warn with captain, caution and sin bin, skipping one or more of those steps depending on how obvious dissent it is. They certainly shouldn't get a free pass.
Absolutely. I will tend to give them a few more seconds of ‘processing time’ than others before my ears hear things…

But I have sin binned GKs before and will do if they don’t get it right. The good captains will tend to intervene when they notice that my hearing has miraculously improved. If they don’t then 10 mins time out to calm down.

That said, I hate doing it!
I had one a couple of seasons ago, gave a penalty against his team and he has basically suggested that I had got it wrong in a more strongly worded manner. Told him to go and take his position on the goal line for the penalty and he carries on with his rant this time he’s told another word and he’s leaving the game for the next 10 mins, but he can’t take the hint and be quiet so carries on with his views so at this point he’s put in the sin bin. He then starts saying you can’t sin bin me as I’m the goalkeeper, after basically telling him if he didn’t remove himself from the pitch his stay off the pitch would become a permanent one. After a short delay he left the pitch and an outfielder went in goal and the penalty was taken.
I sometimes think keepers get a bad press as yes, they are the loudest, but that's because they are further away and therefore shouting louder.

Their distance is incriminating, imo. If you're near an incident and want to complain, then that is one thing; but if you're 60 yards away from it and complaining about a decision that I took from 15-20 yards, then I have no sympathy. We don't use sin bins here so I'd be booking for dissent in practically all instances.
I sometimes as keepers if they are pilots as their eyesight must be great when "helping" me make decisions from 80 yards away!