Wrong decisions


New Member
Grassroots Referee
I refereed an under 8s game earlier today. I sometimes am not sure what I saw and if it was a foul or not. Just because someone doesn't win the ball when making a challenge and player with ball falls over is it a foul? I didn't think there was enough contact for player to go down but at under 8s maybe I am applying my rationale to older kids or adults.
A&H International
Do you generally referee older ages groups? That may affect your foul tolerance at U8s. I havent reffed an age group that young (nor do I know why they need them - but that’s it’s own conversation).

There is generally more acceptance for more free kicks to be given at that age from what I understand, but there is also an education oppurtunity to say what is and isn’t a foul.

As for getting it “wrong”. That happens to all of us, every week. Something will go slightly or massively wrong. As long as you reflect on why, and how you might be able to change it again (better positioning, earlier intervention etc.), you can learn and develop!