match off but pitch fine

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I don't want to get involved in tit for tat, so this is the last I'll say on this as we're getting sidetracked away from the actual topic

On the thread I just mentioned, you told us you were going away to check the forum allows links to be posted. We didn't hear from you after that.
A&H International
Certain people on here have turned this thread into targeted attacks if anything he’s gone above and beyond surely we should praise that very disappointed in some of these comments.
100% agree with this
I've briefly read through the discussion and have found some of the comments aimed at Mr Kent unacceptable

All that's happened here, is a team didn't have enough players to field a team and have breached rules by declaring the game off without justification. When I first started out reffing, this would have disappointed me, just as it clearly disappointed @Kent Ref

Very poor form by one or two contributors. No surprises who. Just have a bit of empathy for a referee who was left disappointed by not having a game in the morning FGS
I feel the attacks certainly read as targeted and as I have had similar before have flagged not a great look to defend it either
Yes, unacceptable. Posts against Kent are often condescending and unkind. Must be something personal away from the forum

The content of the OP is not really a big deal, but it's stirred up vitriol that seems disproportionate to the matter being discussed
100% agree with this
I've briefly read through the discussion and have found some of the comments aimed at Mr Kent unacceptable

All that's happened here, is a team didn't have enough players to field a team and have breached rules by declaring the game off without justification. When I first started out reffing, this would have disappointed me, just as it clearly disappointed @Kent Ref

Very poor form by one or two contributors. No surprises who. Just have a bit of empathy for a referee who was left disappointed by not having a game in the morning FGS
This is perfectly put.
I don't want to get involved in tit for tat, so this is the last I'll say on this as we're getting sidetracked away from the actual topic

On the thread I just mentioned, you told us you were going away to check the forum allows links to be posted. We didn't hear from you after that.
Read closer I asked a question on the post and had no response.
100% agree with this
I've briefly read through the discussion and have found some of the comments aimed at Mr Kent unacceptable

All that's happened here, is a team didn't have enough players to field a team and have breached rules by declaring the game off without justification. When I first started out reffing, this would have disappointed me, just as it clearly disappointed @Kent Ref

Very poor form by one or two contributors. No surprises who. Just have a bit of empathy for a referee who was left disappointed by not having a game in the morning FGS
I don't really know what you or Kent Ref were expecting.

He has basically openly admitted on a public forum that he has done something he really shouldn't have done. Going to look at the pitch and report the findings to the league is one thing, and something most of us can live with. But to then recommend he be paid is just ridiculous.
I don't really know what you or Kent Ref were expecting.

He has basically openly admitted on a public forum that he has done something he really shouldn't have done. Going to look at the pitch and report the findings to the league is one thing, and something most of us can live with. But to then recommend he be paid is just ridiculous.
I would take a look at a pitch if it was local in such circumstances. Well, maybe not now, but probably when I first started out
I still watch the weather forecasts like I'm obsessed by Carol Kirkwood or Sarah Keith-Lucas. Maybe I want my games on or maybe I really do have a thing about weather girls. Or maybe both. Anyway, we all have our quirks
I agree the Match Fee was not payable but some responses have been excessive
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you constantly take a "mightier than thou' attitude. you're condescending and rude.

I'm waiting on the outcome by the end of next week.

If the league find the game should of been played and i am awarded a match fee are you going to get involved?

I find it strange that i am told going to the venue is extreme yet you indicated that you would like to get involved. how extreme does that make your involvement compared to mine?

Clubs lie and this occasion they have been caught out as the parish council did not postpone the game. this has been confirmed by the club already i am told.

Maybe i should just accept being lied to but i knew better as i was there yesterday and i took 8 pictures that i sent to the league today.

This same scenario happened in october with the same 2 teams. my mate ended up with no game (cup game). he smelt a rat but didn"t check up as he lives 15 miles away. that game was awarded to that team.
A few notes from a former referee and league official.

Games get called off for a whole host of reasons. Some are presented truthfully. Others have a little mystery about them.

If a club says a game is off, the day before it's due to be played, then the referee should just accept it.

As a league official, I've made an unscheduled stop off to have a look at a field deemed unplayable and as a league official, I've made a complaint/raised a charge about the postponement. I didn't do it very often, just when a game was crucial to the progression of a cup competition.

As a referee, I am/you are a service provider for a league. The terms of my engagement are, as has exhaustively been referenced by the Rusty One, are set out in the SCOR. Leagues who don't abide by the SCOR get into trouble. That includes the manner in which charges must be issued to clubs and the period they have to respond to the charges. I can tell you now, it is unlikely that the league is going to make a decision within 7 days of an event. They would have to hold a meeting, issue the charge, give the club time to respond, meet again to consider the charge and issue any sanction.

You don't have right to be paid. If I was the ref sec of the league and you made this much of a song and dance about the matter, I'd be thinking twice about appointing you to games in the future.
The problem with this website is 2 or 3 people behave in a way that is a mixture of condescending, patronising and bullying. The main "person" is the main administrator of the site. If anybody has a view opposite to his you are shot down, patronised or banned.

I had a feeling something was not right and my league thanked me for it. When i get the cheque i might put it towards some new referee boots.

With regard to money itself my league had over 22k in the bank at the AGM (before any subs were paid) in August so a match fee, when i get it, is really small fry. I was one of the few refs who took an interest and went to the AGM!

The refs on the league have a whatsapp group and those that have commented have thanked me. At least 2 others, but possibly 4, ended up not reffing as a result of false claims.

Those 2 or 3 on here may want to look at themselves. It's not a good look.
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The problem with this website is 2 or 3 people behave in a way that is a mixture of condescending, patronising and bullying. The main "person" is the main administrator of the site. If anybody has a view opposite to his you are shot down, patronised or banned.

I had a feeling something was not right and my league thanked me for it. When i get the cheque i might put it towards some new referee boots.

With regard to money itself my league had over 22k in the bank at the AGM (before any sus were paid) in August so a match fee, when i get it, is really small fry. I was one of the few refs who took an interest and went to the AGM!

The refs on the league have a whatsapp group and those that have commented have thanked me. At least 2 others, but possibly 4, ended up not reffing as a result of false claims.

Those 2 or 3 on here may want to look at themselves. It's not a good look.
Aside from whether people have or haven't been condescending; do you genuinely believe you were right to recommend and then take a match fee?
Aside from whether people have or haven't been condescending; do you genuinely believe you were right to recommend and then take a match fee?
With all the factors involved i think justice has, or will be, done.

Teams should just say "we cannot field a team" or "we don't want to play because they thrashed us 12-0 last time" as opposed to lying and making out the pitch is not playable.

This team did something similar last season but the league paid up. Reason being i was in attendance and so was the home team but the away team had covid at 10.00am on a Sunday. It took 4 weeks but i eventually got paid.
With all the factors involved i think justice has, or will be, done.

Teams should just say "we cannot field a team" or "we don't want to play because they thrashed us 12-0 last time" as opposed to lying and making out the pitch is not playable.

This team did something similar last season but the league paid up. Reason being i was in attendance and so was the home team but the away team had covid at 10.00am on a Sunday. It took 4 weeks but i eventually got paid.
But do you genuinely think you are correct to request and then accept the money?
I do think requesting the fee is the issue here.

Regardless of rules or whatever, If you go there off your own back and provide evidence to the league without asking for money you come away as the helpful local ref to the league, albeit beyond the requirements expected. Asking for the fee then changes the motive. The fact you even suggested what sanctions the league should give them sounds like a vendetta.

Personally, I wouldn’t have done it and I do think you’ve got a bit lucky with the reaction from the league, but I think it’s worth considering whether you’d do it again.
Additional point/advice: I don’t know what level you are or whether you’re going for promotion but I’m making the assumption this is at grassroots as the club called it off. when/if you get to the higher levels, absolutely do not do this. It will not be a positive against your name.
In many, many years of refereeing, I really don’t think I have ever heard anything as ludicrous as this. At no point have I ever, or any referee I know, on hearing that a game has been postponed, decided to turn up the next day and inspect the field anyway. To then have the audacity to ask for payment, for the game that was travelled to knowing it was off is actually bordering on the unbelievable.

I am certain that if I followed this course of action, any of the leagues that I am involved in would not be agreeing to to pay anything, would possibly laugh in my face on receiving such a request and then potentially not appoint me to any future games. In addition they would probably be reporting me to the SFA as well and I’d then have to answer to my local management committee.

To be honest I am now wondering if this happened at all and if Kent Ref is maybe spinning us a tall tale here and we have all taken the bait.

For those of us of a certain vintage who have been about since the earliest versions of this forum and the Official Sports one prior, this sounds a bit like the unbelievable stories/match incidents that would appear from a certain poster (MW for those who remember the name) who also claimed to be from Kent…maybe just a coincidence?
The problem with this website is 2 or 3 people behave in a way that is a mixture of condescending, patronising and bullying. The main "person" is the main administrator of the site. If anybody has a view opposite to his you are shot down, patronised or banned.

I had a feeling something was not right and my league thanked me for it. When i get the cheque i might put it towards some new referee boots.

With regard to money itself my league had over 22k in the bank at the AGM (before any subs were paid) in August so a match fee, when i get it, is really small fry. I was one of the few refs who took an interest and went to the AGM!

The refs on the league have a whatsapp group and those that have commented have thanked me. At least 2 others, but possibly 4, ended up not reffing as a result of false claims.

Those 2 or 3 on here may want to look at themselves. It's not a good look.

I'm assuming you mean me, given Ross hasn't posted on this topic.

If you think that being told that what you did was wrong constitutes me being condescending, patronising or bullying then I don't really know what to say. I have gone to great lengths to justify all points I made with the relevant parts of SCoR and SCoR-Y, there is absolutely zero doubt that you shouldn't have asked for or been paid a match fee.

If you don't like being told you are wrong then perhaps you shouldn't make a post openly stating that you broke the league rules. I didn't make that post, you did, and I am far from the only person to pull you up on it.
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