Teams not turned up


RefChat Addict
Got message on Friday confirming game, and that's where communication stopped.
Had two games, same venue.
Done game #1, kicked off half hour earlier on request of both teams, meaning having to wait over an hour for the next game.
Tried contacting home team manager as by 30 minutes to kick off still no sign of anyone.
Found out by someone from another age group team that that game is called off, as of last night.
The manager forgot to tell me.

Would you report it to the league?
The manager did come down and pay me when he called me back. But it's more the principal and following rules, or shall I just say thanks and move on?
A&H International
Got message on Friday confirming game, and that's where communication stopped.
Had two games, same venue.
Done game #1, kicked off half hour earlier on request of both teams, meaning having to wait over an hour for the next game.
Tried contacting home team manager as by 30 minutes to kick off still no sign of anyone.
Found out by someone from another age group team that that game is called off, as of last night.
The manager forgot to tell me.

Would you report it to the league?
The manager did come down and pay me when he called me back. But it's more the principal and following rules, or shall I just say thanks and move on?
Yes, you have to report to the league. If it was on Full Time, it would show as unplayed.

They may have forgotten to advise the league (so fine there) and you could have been assigned another match (unlikely, but possible).
If he's paid you that's a good start.

The league will be aware the fixture hasn't been fulfilled I'd imagine, but I'd give the RefSec an email and explain what you have above
Got message on Friday confirming game, and that's where communication stopped.
Had two games, same venue.
Done game #1, kicked off half hour earlier on request of both teams, meaning having to wait over an hour for the next game.
Tried contacting home team manager as by 30 minutes to kick off still no sign of anyone.
Found out by someone from another age group team that that game is called off, as of last night.
The manager forgot to tell me.

Would you report it to the league?
The manager did come down and pay me when he called me back. But it's more the principal and following rules, or shall I just say thanks and move on?
It makes a change not to have to chase up payment. This is quite refreshing to see.

Did the manager say why you were not contacted? Why was the game off if the pitch was fir for play? Illness?
Away team couldn't get a side out.
He told his players and his club, so pitch wasn't needed to be set up etc but forgot to tell me.
He simply forgot.

He came down 5-10 minutes after phone call and paid me in full and an extra £5 (I insisted he didn't have to) for my inconvenience.
Normally a pleasant chap to be fair. Seemed a bit moody but maybe cause his day was put off having to come down when football on TV.
Because he's immediately come out and paid you I think you should be satisfied with the outcome. Very frustrating for the extra wait between games, but that can't be taken into consideration from his side of things. As already stated, it should be reported to the league once you've done that (and recieved prompt payment) I think you've had the best outcome possible.

In my 2nd season of refereeing I drove 45 mins to a Sunday League game which was the top 2 of the top division. Nobody there, no nets up, pitch was perfectly playable. Home team manager hadn't told me that he'd called it off on the Friday night and he didn't respond to my calls or messages. The League told me there was nothing they could do, so I pointed out that their own rules stated that the league has to pay me and then claim it back from the home team. The League Secretary paid me after 4 weeks of chasing and told me I was being unreasonable. I left that league as soon as I got paid and joined another one. That league has since sent out multiple emails asking for ex refs to start reffing in their league again and offered to pay the course fees and buy kit for any new refs as they're so short 🙄
Because he's immediately come out and paid you I think you should be satisfied with the outcome. Very frustrating for the extra wait between games, but that can't be taken into consideration from his side of things. As already stated, it should be reported to the league once you've done that (and recieved prompt payment) I think you've had the best outcome possible.

In my 2nd season of refereeing I drove 45 mins to a Sunday League game which was the top 2 of the top division. Nobody there, no nets up, pitch was perfectly playable. Home team manager hadn't told me that he'd called it off on the Friday night and he didn't respond to my calls or messages. The League told me there was nothing they could do, so I pointed out that their own rules stated that the league has to pay me and then claim it back from the home team. The League Secretary paid me after 4 weeks of chasing and told me I was being unreasonable. I left that league as soon as I got paid and joined another one. That league has since sent out multiple emails asking for ex refs to start reffing in their league again and offered to pay the course fees and buy kit for any new refs as they're so short 🙄
Leagues are just like this. My league certainly doesn't have a shortage of referees, having over 350. The problem is that all leagues are so awkward about most things. The minute it costs them money, they don't want to know.
Leagues are just like this. My league certainly doesn't have a shortage of referees, having over 350. The problem is that all leagues are so awkward about most things. The minute it costs them money, they don't want to know.
My experience on the whole has been the opposite. Most leagues are very good. I did alot of inner city Sunday League stuff when I started out (played in then for a long time previously too) so there's more nonsense to deal with than other leagues in my experience. Had one particularly odious manager throw my fee at me which I left on the floor and walked off. The League paid me on the day. They're the only incidents I had but I know many refs who've had multiple issues on these leagues and they've been sorted very promptly to be fair.
My experience on the whole has been the opposite. Most leagues are very good. I did alot of inner city Sunday League stuff when I started out (played in then for a long time previously too) so there's more nonsense to deal with than other leagues in my experience. Had one particularly odious manager throw my fee at me which I left on the floor and walked off. The League paid me on the day. They're the only incidents I had but I know many refs who've had multiple issues on these leagues and they've been sorted very promptly to be fair.
I appreciate some are good, but my (main) league is notorious in the area for being problematic. The people in charge are really unhelpful.
Got message on Friday confirming game, and that's where communication stopped.
Had two games, same venue.
Done game #1, kicked off half hour earlier on request of both teams, meaning having to wait over an hour for the next game.
Tried contacting home team manager as by 30 minutes to kick off still no sign of anyone.
Found out by someone from another age group team that that game is called off, as of last night.
The manager forgot to tell me.

Would you report it to the league?
The manager did come down and pay me when he called me back. But it's more the principal and following rules, or shall I just say thanks and move on?
Report it just to make league aware.
Got message on Friday confirming game, and that's where communication stopped.
Had two games, same venue.
Done game #1, kicked off half hour earlier on request of both teams, meaning having to wait over an hour for the next game.
Tried contacting home team manager as by 30 minutes to kick off still no sign of anyone.
Found out by someone from another age group team that that game is called off, as of last night.
The manager forgot to tell me.

Would you report it to the league?
The manager did come down and pay me when he called me back. But it's more the principal and following rules, or shall I just say thanks and move on?
It's understandable that you're considering the principle and adherence to rules. Reporting the incident to the league might be worth considering, as it helps maintain transparency and accountability in the league. This ensures that everyone involved, including managers and referees, understands the importance of communication and following through on commitments. It's not just about the inconvenience but also about upholding the standards and professionalism within the league. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and it depends on how strongly you feel about these principles.