Ball bouncing off the wheel!


New Member
I've had this issue for a long time now and can't seem to get it right so thought I'd get other opinions.
At a couple of the grounds I ref at, the goals have a wheel on the inside of the goal just beyond the post. I've had so many incidents this season where the ball has supposedly bounced off these wheels (or so the attacking team claim) and I find it really hard to see whether its off the post or these wheels inside the goal, especially with CARs. I've had teams infuriated when I give a goal but equally other teams infuriated when I haven't. I've tried to be as consistent as possible, at least within the same game, but does anyone have any advice or experience of this!
Thank you.
A&H International
We have quite a few of these, especially in youth matches and grassroots half field 7v7.

First thing, before the match, make sure the wheel is straight, if possible - slightly less chance of it bouncing out.

Then in the match, be aware. In the end, you can’t guess a goal/ no goal, you need to see it, and you can’t trust CARs. Use it as an excuse to run more, get to the edge of the area more, get better angles and anticipate. If you can. But you can’t give what you can’t see.
The only thing I can recommend is 'watch the bounce'. It's usually fairly obvious if it's hit a stanchion or wheel as opposed to the post.
Tell the groundstaff to put them on properly 🤣, wheels should be on the outside of the goal frame and should be adjustable so they can be moved away from the goal line.

Could it not be considered dangerous having the wheels inside the goal? and especially if they are close to the goal line?
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It does sound as though they have been set up wrong. On the ones I use, the wheels are on the outside. There is still the issue occasionally of it bouncing back, but the difference is been ball in/out of play rather than goal/no goal.

I'd be asking them to fix the wheels correctly.
I know exactly what you are talking about, I help ref a 5-a-side tournament every other week. Zero pressure and everyone is chill, and every week the ball bounces out of the goal, and the lads make me guess, then they own up to if I got it right or not. Sounds the same as if it hit the post, and pretty much looks the same.

If I seen the same wheels on the inside of an 11-a-side goals for a competitive match, I would be upset and do everything in my power to remove them.

If impossible, I guess you just got to get on your bike and get a good view of the goal line as best as you can, knowing to expect it the ball coming off the wheel as a possibility.

Secondly, and echoing what @santa sangria said, if you didn't see it you can't give it, mention you will add the goal wheels to your match report and weather the storm.
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If I seen the same wheels on the inside of an 11-a-side goals for a competitive match, I would kick off and do everything in my power to remove them.
I think there is a typo here - should it be "wouldn't start the game".
I was running the line for my son's U13s team and a shot came in, hit the post and the other team scored off the rebound. The defending players insisted it had hit the wheel so was out for a GK. The referee came over and asked me as it was my side of the goal and and I told him I thought it came off the post. He agreed and the goal stood much to my son's displeasure. :D

Oh and wheels always on the outside and folded back when not in use.