"You're biased ref!"


Level 6 Referee
U18 game, home team lost badly and home coach at the end starts shouting "you're biased ref!" and "you are always biased against us cos you used to manage XYX FC"
Now I was a coach for said youth team until 2 seasons ago when that age range folded. So why he thinks I would be biased I don't know! Plus I checked, I've reffed them 4 times and it's WLWL
Anyway, he says he's going to complain about me so can't wait to see what comes of it (probably nothing)
A&H International
I sent a player off for this 2 seasons ago. I was offended by it (I actually was). I pulled him aside and his captain and asked him if he realizes he is questioning my integrity. I had red in mind but this was my way of giving him chance to change it to yellow. But he continued to justify his comment confirming the red card was the correct action.
TBH I was just amused by his comments and not at all upset which probably explains my delayed thinking about cards.
His team were fine all game and nonplussed as to his comments.
I had a player recently, ball in play, question my integrity.

Stop play, IDFK, yellow card for usb. This was at step 5/6. He didn't directly call me a cheat, but there was insinuation there.

I'd actually heard a player earlier in the game do something similar but couldn't pick out who it was so let that slide but wasn't having it a second time when there's a chance it's the same player.
I had a player recently, ball in play, question my integrity.

Stop play, IDFK, yellow card for usb. This was at step 5/6. He didn't directly call me a cheat, but there was insinuation there.

I'd actually heard a player earlier in the game do something similar but couldn't pick out who it was so let that slide but wasn't having it a second time when there's a chance it's the same player.
Surely that is textbook dissent?
Surely that is textbook dissent?

I did wonder that, I think that's one thing that I struggle to differentiate between regarding insinuating cheating.

For me it came across more USB but I can completely understand the argument for a dissent caution.

Edit - I tend to class dissent more as general shouting at the referee, by action or the surrounding of the referee, rather than insinuating bias.

Something for me to look at though.
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I did wonder that, I think that's one thing that I struggle to differentiate between regarding insinuating cheating.

For me it came across more USB but I can completely understand the argument for a dissent caution.

Edit - I tend to class dissent more as general shouting at the referee, by action or the surrounding of the referee, rather than insinuating bias.

Something for me to look at though.
Public disagreement or protest at a match officials decision.

Insinuating bias is very easily categorised as dissent as they'd hardly be calling you bias In agreement with your decision.
I did wonder that, I think that's one thing that I struggle to differentiate between regarding insinuating cheating.

For me it came across more USB but I can completely understand the argument for a dissent caution.

Edit - I tend to class dissent more as general shouting at the referee, by action or the surrounding of the referee, rather than insinuating bias.

Something for me to look at though.
You have to think about why they are questioning your integrity. It isn't just because they don't like you, rather they disagree with one or more of your decisions, so it is very clear dissent.
U18 game, home team lost badly and home coach at the end starts shouting "you're biased ref!" and "you are always biased against us cos you used to manage XYX FC"
Now I was a coach for said youth team until 2 seasons ago when that age range folded. So why he thinks I would be biased I don't know! Plus I checked, I've reffed them 4 times and it's WLWL
Anyway, he says he's going to complain about me so can't wait to see what comes of it (probably nothing)
Entering the field of play to remonstrate with the officials is a red card offence, I believe, and much more seriously matey boy is accusing you of being a cheat, which isn't on.

IF he complains the competition/county will probably tell him, politely, to stop being a wazzock.
U18 game, home team lost badly and home coach at the end starts shouting "you're biased ref!" and "you are always biased against us cos you used to manage XYX FC"
Now I was a coach for said youth team until 2 seasons ago when that age range folded. So why he thinks I would be biased I don't know! Plus I checked, I've reffed them 4 times and it's WLWL
Anyway, he says he's going to complain about me so can't wait to see what comes of it (probably nothing)
Yes I agree and thought as I walked back to the car I should have given a yellow card.

Did you make any sort of disciplinary report about this to the CFA? As others have said, this should have been a clear RC for OFFINBUS.

The CFA should just ignore his complaint (you won't here anything), but the RDO may come back to you and enquire "why haven't you reported this?"
Was at the end of the game so he's allowed on the pitch. I don't think it's worth reporting but could do an extraordinary report in case anything further kicks off
He’s allowed to be on the pitch to shake hands. He’s not allowed to be on the pitch to make a beeline for you, and then remonstrate with you. That remains a sending off offence.

It is written in law, “including at half time or full time”