Player's boot comes off...what to do ?


New Member
Unusual incident from reffing my sons U10's 7v7 match at the weekend. An attacking player was heading towards goal and just as he got to the penalty area his boot came off when another player came to tackle him. He kept control of the ball to my surprise and play continued. Now he's in the penalty area without his boot on still dribbling looking to get a shot away. Two or three defenders were trying to get the ball off him and I was genuinely worried that someone was going to injure him by either standing on or kicking his foot. Thankfully after a few seconds the ball was cleared and the boot could be replaced.

I really wasn't sure if I should have stopped the game or not. Normally for an injury, I stop the game and restart with a drop ball for the team in possession, unless it's in the penalty area then the ball goes back to the keeper I believe. In this scenario I think the coach would have been very unhappy if I'd stopped play and given the ball to the goalkeeper.

Any thoughts ?
A&H International
Unusual incident from reffing my sons U10's 7v7 match at the weekend. An attacking player was heading towards goal and just as he got to the penalty area his boot came off when another player came to tackle him. He kept control of the ball to my surprise and play continued. Now he's in the penalty area without his boot on still dribbling looking to get a shot away. Two or three defenders were trying to get the ball off him and I was genuinely worried that someone was going to injure him by either standing on or kicking his foot. Thankfully after a few seconds the ball was cleared and the boot could be replaced.

I really wasn't sure if I should have stopped the game or not. Normally for an injury, I stop the game and restart with a drop ball for the team in possession, unless it's in the penalty area then the ball goes back to the keeper I believe. In this scenario I think the coach would have been very unhappy if I'd stopped play and given the ball to the goalkeeper.

Any thoughts ?
If it's in PA, carry on is the best course of action IMHO. Anywhere else, I normally stop play when this happens in kids matches because, at the end of the day, they're just kids. This is taken from Law 4 - The Players' Equipment:
A player whose footwear or shinguard is lost accidentally must replace it as soon as possible and no later than when the ball next goes out of play; if before doing so the player plays the ball and/or scores a goal, the goal is awarded.
So really, do what you think is best.
In law, play can continue as long as they're not considered to be 'playing in a dangerous manner' (endangering themselves).

This is where common sense vs law comes in. As @Gabriel says, in possession, in the area, I'd probably let it play out.
Elsewhere on the pitch, maybe stop it, depending on the situation.