The Ref Stop

What to wear as a fourth?


RefChat Addict
Level 3W Referee
I’ve got my first time as a fourth on a county cup final in a couple of weeks. I’ve read up all my duties etc but two things I’ve not really been able to ascertain:

1. Do I warm up with the other three officials?

2. What do I wear? I’ve seen fourths in trackers and jackets and Ive seen them in basically regular kit.
The Ref Stop
1. No
2. If it's warm, just your kit will ge fine. If not, a jacket/tracksuit on top. If raining wear a suitable coat if you have one.
1. No
2. If it's warm, just your kit will ge fine. If not, a jacket/tracksuit on top. If raining wear a suitable coat if you have one.
Cheers! Going to bring boots and trainers as I’m not sure what the surface is on the touchline yet
You need to be ready to takeover whatever you wear.
So, wear your usual kit and depending on weather trousers over and /or tracksuit jacket and/or coat.
Also need to wear on your feet what you will wear if you takeover. If you need to come on you need to be ready to go as quicky as possible.
Don't do what an EFL 4th official famously did. He couldn't be bothered getting changed so put his tracksuit over his suit and shirt, unluckily for him one of the ARs went down so he had to go and get changed, causing a lengthy delay.
Probably the first (and last) ever time he didn’t put his kit on before as well!