Abuse out of nowhere


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Game was 1-1, we are at 85 minutes.

Everyone has been quiet for 10mins or so.

Defending player does one of those throw ins where they run 20 yards with the ball, so I shout while he's running and I blow the whistle before he throws (he still releases), and then I point at the advertisement board that is 20 yards behind him. Then they faff about for 30 seconds getting the ball back, walking back down the line, only to do the exact same thing. So I blow and caution for delaying the restart.

All of a sudden the defending teams gaffer (whos dugout is 60 yards down the line and on the otherside of the homes dugout) appears next to the thrower and face to face with me and asks what's going on. I explain delaying the restart, calls me a giant clown and useless. So I immediately red card, not here for that. Then he just unleashes a barrage of abuse calls me a c***, w***** and so on, in for a penny in for a pound. Kids next to him and everything. I just firmly tell him to get away from the pitch.

Then as the throw is about to be taken I hear his voice and notice him leaning against the advertisement boards, and immediately tell him to leave again, he argues again. Then finally he stands about 20 yards from the pitch arms folded. I again tell him he needs to go in the club house or leave. He finally after a few more verbals leaves. I do see him standing in the clubhouse doorway and then he steps on the step just outside the doorway, but that's good enough for me, let him have that one.

Immediately after that as we go to restart the game a player says straight to me, none of this would of happened if you could control a game and weren't useless. Sin bin.

I literally have no idea why, home gaffer, both club linos and the home sec at the end said they were really confused at it all.
A&H International
calls me a giant clown and useless.
Personally that's a yellow for me - however if you feel particularly offended by it it's right to dismiss. What he said after though definitely warrants a red anyways - worth adding in the extraordinary report that he refused to leave for a while
Personally that's a yellow for me - however if you feel particularly offended by it it's right to dismiss. What he said after though definitely warrants a red anyways - worth adding in the extraordinary report that he refused to leave for a while
I think the more pertinent aspect of the offence was probably this to be honest:

All of a sudden the defending teams gaffer (whos dugout is 60 yards down the line and on the otherside of the homes dugout) appears next to the thrower and face to face with me and asks what's going on.
I felt the fact we were face to face 60 yards from his dugout while he was shouting I'm a clown that made me think it was clear abuse. I think this was a you had to be there. But this was my first red card for abuse and I genuinely believe he was being abusive, it was certainly in the delivery. I get called an idiot and words similar to a clown every so often and they aren't a red.

This situation I think most would go red, if they were actually there.
worth adding in the extraordinary report that he refused to leave for a while
Yeah. I tackled it in two ways. I phoned the leagues referee sec firstly and had a conversation with him, just to make sure me and the league would be in a good solid place and I wasn't blind siding them with anything.

Then I raised a detailed, objective and accurate extraordinary report.

I have been having a few issues on this league, it is a step up from my starter league, you need to be a level 6 and they don't hand out games too often. I sent someone off for a SPA (2nd caution) a few months back and the gaffer lost his mind saying no refs here do that and why am I trying to be a jobsworth.

Just strange as one of his players wiped someone out on the edge of the box and I gave DOGSO a consideration but went with SPA.
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Good - i find most problem managers have a history of poor behaviour so if it's a repeat offense he might be in for some bigger sanctions
I had a team try and short change me on money recently, I reported it to the league.

Spoke to another referee and he said they are always at it. Well why on earth aren't they terrified to try it on! Get reporting them.
Personally that's a yellow for me - however if you feel particularly offended by it it's right to dismiss. What he said after though definitely warrants a red anyways - worth adding in the extraordinary report that he refused to leave for a while

It's probably a yellow in isolation from his own technical area. But he has deliberately left the technical area to (it sound like) show dissent or remonstrate with a match official so even if you don't think it ticks the offinabus box it's still a red for leaving TA and ...