Six Second Rule .....Myth ?


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Does this law still exist ? The amount of times I count 10 to 15 secs in televised games till the keeper kicks the ball

I have personally never given one in 7 years

EDIT - thread moved from announcements to LOTG, by Dan
A&H International
Nope. Page 37 of the magic book shows it
I have given it once. Usually shout a warning if a keeper is getting close to or slightly more than 6 seconds regularly. Probably had to do this once this season.
Think I've given it once in my 17 years refereeing
Lets face it we are usually using the first six seconds to get into position so for me take 10 every time, obviously have a word if it gets silly!
I was just thinking that Oliver! Take at least 6 seconds keeper, I have just chased the shot into the penalty area and now I need to get 50 yards over there!

Nothing worse than the last seconds of a frantic game and a shot being easily caught by a standing keeper. You know that in a just a seconds time that ball is going long and you need to get motoring!
I've never given this. But if a goalie is dallying I will shout a warning. I don't personally count as six seconds is no time at all. But if it felt like the keeper was trying to waste time I'd give it.
Last seconds of a frantic game , your guaranteed the "how long ref " when the keeper catches it ..........I usually start at 4 nice and loud then it gets kicked ;) no matter how long its been
Was this law not rescinded a few years back at left at the desecration of the referee as to what He/she considered an excessive amount of time the keeper had the ball in his or her hands
Was this law not rescinded a few years back at left at the desecration of the referee as to what He/she considered an excessive amount of time the keeper had the ball in his or her hands
Nope, page 37 of the bible shows it

An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper, inside his own penalty area, commits any of the following four offences:

  • controls the ball with his hands for more than six seconds before releasing

    it from his possession

  • touches the ball again with his hands after he has released it from his

    possession and before it has touched another player

  • touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him

    by a team-mate

  • touches the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a

    throw-in taken by a team-mate
Was this law not rescinded a few years back at left at the desecration of the referee as to what He/she considered an excessive amount of time the keeper had the ball in his or her hands
I know refereeing is like a religion to many of us ... but descration might be taking it a little too far :)
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Once in 15 years, twice in a decade... Ive given it 3 times in 9 months...

Give plenty of warnings, then I give it. Its time wasting and I only count once the keeper is comfortable.

So if he goes to ground for a save and takes a second to look around before getting up etc, I dont count that.

But when they are composed, on their feet and looking at options, I watch my watch religiously.

As a goalkeeper of many many years many many moons ago, I always played to this rule.

Now - we need to do something about goalkeepers that take 45 seconds to take a goal kick.

No joke.

I have about 3 or 4 in my league alone that take an age to take a goal kick... Most of the time, they're losing.
3 in 9 months!? @Silhouette are you kidding? I've been officiating three years and never given one. I personally don't count, but will actively encourage th keeper to release the ball if he's taking his time. I don't let them wander about forever with the ball. But tend to let them get up from a save and let themselves prepare for the kick, obviously everything within reason. Also I tskeninto account if it's the last minute and he's on the losing side there's no chance he's trying to waste time etc.
I always give 2 warnings too, so 3rd warning is an IDFK.

Its 99% effective on the first warning.
I thought this law had been rescinded until I became a ref 2 years ago.
The guidance we were given during the course was to allow 10 seconds because, generally, it takes the keeper a few seconds to get the ball under control (ie make a save, stand up, compose themselves)..only then should we start the 6 seconds. But the also gave advice that we should prevent the issue from arising..i.e. if a goalie does it once to waste time then warn them etc.

I have warned keepers who waste time...only counting the 6 (10) seconds once I have warned them so I know I have made the correct decision should I have to book them. As it is, the warnings have worked each time.
Prevention rather than punishment.
As a fan of a team who are often losing, and consequently playing against other teams who waste time, the lack of enforcement of this law really frustrates me. Having said this, because it is not implemented across the board, I have to apply what is regarded as the 'common sense' approach. If all clubs and all referees were told to implement this from the top down then this cheating would be abolished - this is not a matter of opinion, it is black or white.