Exam Tonight


Level 3 Referee
i have my call back evening with suffolk FA this evening to take my exam and become level 7. Looking forward to talking through my experiences so far :D
A&H International
Best of luck. Waiting to hear my date from West Riding as well, although now I've done the 6 games (rightly or wrongly) just say I'm level 7 anyway.
It's a 35 question multiple choice paper.

That and talking about good and bad experiences in your first 6 games...
My mod 5 was a quick how many games you done? Then a 1 and a half social chat about out experiences so far.
Suffolk - They have been trialing a new BRC which looks like it is going to be rolled out countrywide. There is a bigger emphasis placed on practical exercises therefore the mix of theory vs practical is Prob 70% practical, where before I am led to believe that the course was mainly theory??
you complete 2 full days and an evening on misconduct reporting. On the afternoon of the last day you get "assessed" by one of the tutors whilst you referee 10 mins of a game with staged situations, failure to pass this means you aren't allowed to go off and do your 6 games.
Should you pass this then you go off to do your 6 games and come back for a call back evening.
On the call back evening you have to take a multiple choice exam and discuss your experiences.

Interesting change of approach that you can't just turn up and expect to pass the course.
I did ask the reasoning for the change of approach, they said it was down to quite a few younger refs taking the course as part of DOE or GCSE and then never bothering to referee.

As I said interesting new approach - personally I liked the practical exercises and I felt so much more prepared in my first few games down to this.

Let's see if the FA do roll this out nationwide

Plus I should find out if I passed today :rolleyes:
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The thing about GCSE's make sense, you can put it down as a subject as long as you've done the course. Turn up, ref one school game and get a mark for it.
@Smudger that sounds like a good idea to me. My BRC had around 20 people on it, and I know only 3/4 of us still ref. 19 did it through school for GCSE and just one has carried it on. Think it's a countrywide issue.
Did my module 5 last night. We he did an hour or so on what to consider with challenges and then an hour or so on our problems so far.
It was definitely useful. I will try one of their suggestions this week which is to stand close to the goal area for corners and free kicks so you can see if the ball goes over without having to rely on CAR's.

Only new thing I heard about is that if you don't referee a game for 4/5 months then you become a level 10
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The BRC mentioned by @Smudger is due for rollout later this season across the country. The Basic Course in West Riding has been practice based for the last 7 years with candidates being assessed in practical situations such as management of an attacking free kick at the edge of the penalty area, supported by a multiple choice question paper consisting of 35 questions.

Recently we've begun the transition away from this format towards the new BRC. It's interesting that new Referees will not actually sit an examination on the Laws until after they have refereed a number of games. It may mean lower numbers qualifying but should mean those that come back for the examination become active referees.
@Brian Hamilton I'm glad someone else knows what I am talking about.
I think one other change was the implementation of a mandatory pre course evening letting people (more importantly parents) know what to expect and the dedication required.
Feedback on the course has been very positive I believe :)