Prematch meal


The avuncular one
I have a new prematch meal/ritual:

A sandwich of some nature
Pile of cashew nuts
Belvita breakfast biscuit

Pint of water

Lucazade sport

Bottle of water with a berroca boost (half before game/half before second half)

Got bored with beans on toast
A&H International
This season I have had a guts ( :) ) full of it! I know, it's strange!!
How close to kick do you eat though as don't eat for at least 2-3 hours before kick off.
Turn up finishing off the Big Mac and fries......save enough drink for the 2nd half......

Always good to set the right impression straight away.......
You joke @Padfoot the other week had my game called off as I was driving over and rang the missus so she suggested I get McDonalds on the way back. So I did. Just as I finished eating got a call from a local team seeing if I was around as their ref hadnt turned up. I'm NEVER eating a meal like that 20 minutes before kick off again. I felt like a stuffed pig rolling around the pitch. I hardly ever eat McDonalds anyways!
I will usually have toast and scrambled eggs with a glass of fresh orange juice.
And 6 pints of Guinness afterwards...!
The stuff is very good.

Drink half 15 minutes before then the rest at half time