LOTG exam next week - anyone have example exam Q&A's ?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all

I'm due to take my basic referee LOTG exam next week and whilst I'm doing my best trying to learn everything I need to know, there's a lot to learn. I was hoping if anyone had any advice and tips? In particular does anyone have any mock exam questions and answers? and/or advice for big day?

BWT this website is excellent. Really helpful so far. Can't wait to qualify and get properly involved.

A&H International
Nat, I regularly use areferee.com. You do need to check some of the answers, but it does keep you on your toes.
Nat ....dont read anything on here in the run up to your exam , its only gonna mix you up!!!

Too many opinions to digest ,stick to the facts in the book and you will be fine .

good luck .
Hi all

I'm due to take my basic referee LOTG exam next week and whilst I'm doing my best trying to learn everything I need to know, there's a lot to learn. I was hoping if anyone had any advice and tips? In particular does anyone have any mock exam questions and answers? and/or advice for big day?

BWT this website is excellent. Really helpful so far. Can't wait to qualify and get properly involved.

Check out the laws of the game quiz at areferee.com
Read the laws, and the laws only. Procedure re Checks, start and restart of play, effect of starts, and listed reasons for cards.

BRC test is just that, basic refereeing course. Basics that you have been through from start to finish. 7 things at a throw in, 7 RC events, 7 YC events and the C1 codes.

Youl will find in time that a LOTG test is not a "what do you do if this happens".