The Ref Stop


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Darren Crompton

New Member
Level 4 Referee
I need some advice on how to handle/what to do next/how I could have handled better on the below.

A bit of background information - I am currently level 4 (Subject to fitness test) and last night refereed a Semi Final in my local league between 1st/2nd

One of the teams moaned and moaned throughout the entire game and loved to tell me how great I was at every chance they got. But the point I need advice on is as follows:-

in around the 75th minute of the game I blew for a freekick against Team B and decided that I would issue a caution. I called the player in and acknowledged a neutral zone for us both to meet. He walked over said just book me ref and started to walk away I again called him back through my whistle and a call of his shirt number but he did not turn round.
Here is the dilemma I then shouted him with what I believe he was his name as I heard other players calling him something similar - (correct name was Muncaghi) and I shouted tocoonaghi - he decided that he was going to listen to the middle part of what I said and came at me quite aggressively, at first I didn't know what his problem was until he kept shouting I had called him a ****** . this was a ridicules statement and left me like a rabbit in the head lights - I thought about sending him off for his approach towards me, but then rightly/wrongly didn't as I questioned why I was sending him off and what protection would I have if he walks to the side lines and tells every man and his dog what he thinks he heard -
I finished the game and he again approached me aggressively after the game, I explained to the manager what I said and what he is saying I said and they should report it. I have since reported it to the league and the local county but now I don't know were I stand and I am worried that mud sticks and how do I prove my innocence in this matter.
The Ref Stop
Think you shouldn't shout player's name if you're not absolutely sure (I, myself get the last names of the two captains when I get the game sheet and eventually at half time the names of the ones I might need after the first half) because even if this accident is one in a million, how do you like it when someone makes even an honest little mistake with your name ? It sure won't help you manage your game.

Just shouting the number is sufficient in this situation, the player is obviously aware that he's the only one in trouble and if he chose to ignore you... that's dissent and another yellow
I agree totally I should have let him keep walking and shown a second yellow for dissent, but at that moment in time under that heat I felt my actions were correct (At that moment in time) I have now opened myself up with some terrible accusations and I suppose its a harsh lesson learned, and def one I wont be making again
I can't really help you with the following steps as I'm not from England
Did you consider writing a letter to the team, in which you explain the misunderstanding ?
If you're a L4 you should be quite "known" around the county FA right ? If you never had behaviour problems, I think your explanations are good enough to give you the benefice of the doubt.
Very difficult one mate !

I Despise the whole scenario that you are describing and have been accused of the same !

But In hindsight you probably should have binned him !

Either for his aggression towards you or more so for emplying you are racist something i find extremly offensive !

But i fully understand why in the heat of the situation you acted as you did !

Possibly when he started throwing the accusation around get hold of him with the manager present and tell him if he doesnt settle down and listen he will be walking ?

Then again Daz why should a player get special treatment because of Race ? If you cant behave thats should be that ! OFF !
Sometimes old habits die hard... Thinking about it after writing this I realised in my line work I call everyone by name as its part of my job and it has obviously crept into my refereeing to use names - as above lesson learnt and I wont be making that mistake again

Cheers Beezer, It started off in my mindset to try and keep the player on side and try to avoid a send off and then the lynching that would follow as the team and supporters were not my greatest supporters.

I totally agree I should have got rid of him but it was a rabbit in the headlights moment and I lost focus

Its good that I can come on here and get some support as feeling better already, but still in limbo as I have submitted a report but unsure yet if they have taken the matter further.
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Maybe is is a bad habbit ? If i learn a players name during a game i will use it , though i have had occasions when one of the opposition will comment that "your on first name terms with them ref " .......that will always get the response....... " yes please 6 .......Name please .....Im now on first name terms with you "

Suppose it has more Cons than Pros ! :confused:

Im Pretty sure your local Fa will back you to the hilt on this one !

Dont worry about it
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There is no problem by calling his name if you know him I myself use this in proactive if I can learn a players name in a match it sometimes helps u
You've done the right thing in pre-empting any potential issue by reporting it as an exceptional event to the league and county FA.

I don't think anything will come of it. It doesn't sound like any other players reacted at the time despite you calling out loud to the player to get them to come back to you.

Always go with shirt numbers unless you are VERY sure of the name / reaction of the player. In this situation, if I'm not getting a response despite loud use of the whistle and calling, I'm calling to the Captain to sort it out PDQ or there is another card coming! (Thankfully, it has never come to this).
Try not to worry too much about it. You acted in a manner that you felt was appropriate at the time and have pre-empted any potential trouble by reporting the incident to the FA. Bottom line is that you didn't racially abuse the player.

Always good to learn, at any level, which it seems you have done.
Mate, you'll be fine. Give your county RA rep a call as well if you need further support, but this will very quickly blow over.

Accepting you made a mistake and you won't use names again will also be readily accepted, as will your own actions in reporting it. As someone who has done something very similar, I know how gut-wrenching it can feel but as you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about.
Assuming they report it (which I doubt), you dont have to prove your innocence, they have to prove your guilt!
Out of interest, was the name along the lines of what you heard?
The risk of using a player's name purely based on what you've heard on the field - aside from getting it wrong - is that it could potentially be an offensive nickname. Obviously not the case with an Anglo name.

It's easy to say that he should have been booked again (or sent straight off) for the way he approached you, but I think sometimes there's something to be said for acknowledging what you've contributed to the situation; it sounds like he was genuine in his concern. Of course he may not have been.
I wouldn't stress too much about whether or not mud sticks. Nobody's going to remember - and any other referee will probably just assume the accusation is incorrect, as they usually are.
Don't worry, he'll say you were being racist to throw mud... It won't stick, managers/players/other referees will know you're not racist !

He should be banned and fined for accusing you of such things in the same way a woman can be prosecuted for making false rape allegations !
It's happened again... You can't make a sensible opinion without someone playing the racist card !
So are you saying if someone dragged your name through the mud as a racist you wouldn't want to see some sort of justice come your way ?

On a side note, it makes me chuckle when people think UKIP are racist.
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