
A&H International
I've chosen my words carefully here.

Far be it for me to comment on another person's character, Dan, you really have done yourself few favours with the comments you've made. Your comments about brown-nosing preclude me from making any reference to biting the hand that feeds, as you're so obviously disillusioned with the whole thing. Originally I had dismissed your comments as early morning, possibly alcohol induced ranting, that would be edited and removed later on. We've all done that after all. However with you being in the US the time makes sense all of a sudden and that explanation goes up in smoke.

What we have here is a clear case of someone who has had a negative experience, whatever the reasons and factors, and has allowed this to poison their views on the whole matter. The vitriol and invective in some of the comments does smack of sour grapes, however justified these comments may be. I don't know with any certainty; I've not yet been there and a combination of injury, illness and work have prevented me from making that step up after an abortive attempt 5 or 6 years ago. A more measured and reasoned argument may well have won you more support, although I suspect you're not fussed either way.

Again not wishing to get personal but as a staff member/moderator, a higher standard is expected of you. You are the Ref! (And spam-blaster, spelling checker, maintenance guru, professional pedant, and beta-tester).

My greatest disappointment in all this is that you worked hard to get there I'm sure. So did many of these guys, even if they're rotten human beings. To denigrate their achievements is unfair on many of them; it reminds me of when someone told me I only got my 5 to shut me up and keep me out of the promotion cycle. Quite frankly I earned it, as have probably most of these guys. I won't deny that politicking goes on, but that is the mark of the world; its gone on since time immemorial. It doesn't make it right, but it exists.

I'll get off the soapbox after one final comment. Fork time methinks Mod Bods.

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Level 2A to Level 1 (5) (Promoted from Panel Select to National List Referee)
England Darren Sheffield & Hallamshire FA
Joyce Ross North Riding FA
Kinseley Nicholas Essex FA
Swabey Lee Devon FA
Toner Ben Lancashire FA

Level 2B to Level 2A (8) (Promoted from Panel to Panel Select Referee)
Busby John Oxfordshire FA
Eaton Derek Gloucestershire FA
Hatzidakis Constantine Kent FA
Johnson Joseph Liverpool FA
Nield Tom West Riding FA
Salisbury Michael Lancashire FA
Yates Ollie Staffordshire FA
Young Alan Cambridgeshire FA

Level 3A to Level 2B (18) Promoted from Contributory League to Panel Referee)
Allison Samuel Wiltshire FA
Buonassisi Matthew Northamptonshire FA
Cooke Ben Birmingham FA
Edwards Marc Durham FA
Hillier Jake Berks & Bucks FA
Hull Joe Cheshire FA
Kaye Elliott Essex FA
Leach Daniel Oxfordshire FA
Newhouse Paul Durham FA
Norcott Wade Essex FA
Parsons Gary Hampshire FA
Penwell Adam Somerset FA
Ricketts Adam Gloucestershire FA
Simms Elizabeth West Riding FA
Smallwood William Cheshire FA
Smith Josh Lincolnshire FA
Strain Darren Cheshire FA
Wild Richard Lancashire FA

Level 4 to Level 3A & 3F (74) (Promoted from Supply League to Contributory League Referee and Panel Assistant Referee)
Abbott Steven Nottinghamshire FA
Adams Ricky Kent FA
Andrews Michael Durham FA
Austin Daniel Sussex FA
Baines John Liverpool FA
Bandara Damith Surrey FA
Barlow Michael Lancashire FA
Barrott Samuel West Riding FA
Berrow Alan Gloucestershire FA
Bishop Thomas Lincolnshire FA
Bond Matthew Birmingham FA
Brennan Lee London FA
Bright Wayne Northamptonshire FA
Brown Simon Birmingham FA
Burley Timothy Royal Navy FA
Cook Edward Nottinghamshire FA
Cox Robin Oxfordshire FA
Danaher Thomas Manchester FA
Dial Stephen Durham FA
Dinsmore Gary Liverpool FA
Doherty Mark Lancashire FA
Durkin James Dorset FA
Eddie Phillip Royal Navy FA
Eley Richard Derbyshire FA
Evans Robert Northamptonshire FA
Farrell Conor Hampshire FA
Few Joshua Cambridgeshire FA
Freeman Lee Sheffield & Hallamshire FA
Fricker Adam Somerset FA
Fryer Martyn Nottinghamshire FA
Geary Darin Norfolk FA
Goodwin Joseph West Riding FA
Greaves Tristan Surrey FA
Heward Elliott Surrey FA
Hillier-Smith Ryan London FA
Horne Jamaal London FA
Hubbard Gareth Birmingham FA
Kenny Jon Paul Cheshire FA
Kirkley Alex Manchester FA
Knox Darren Bedfordshire FA
Lamport Daniel Wiltshire FA
Mannix Joel Hertfordshire FA
Marshall Thomas Kent FA
Mason David Lancashire FA
Meeten Marc Sussex FA
Mulligan John Cumberland FA
Nicholson David Oxfordshire FA
Packer Samuel North Riding FA
Pearce Graham Wiltshire FA
Pope Anthony Essex FA
Porter Christopher Lancashire FA
Postin Scott Birmingham FA
Richards Michael Hertfordshire FA
Robertson-Tant Michael Army FA
Robinson James Hampshire FA
Robson Craig Hampshire FA
Rollason Gregory Staffordshire FA
Ryan Michael Sussex FA
Sandoe Lewis Hampshire FA
Simpson Daniel Middlesex FA
Skipper Dean Essex FA
Smith Adam Sheffield & Hallamshire FA
Sowerby Matthew West Riding FA
Templey Neal Oxfordshire FA
Tinsley Mark Nottinghamshire FA
Tomes Paul Sheffield & Hallamshire FA
Tyne Andrew Norfolk FA
Walchester Callum Suffolk FA
Walker Peter West Riding FA
Watson David Durham FA
Wells Ray Essex FA
Whitaker Ryan London FA
Williams Scott London FA
Williamson Adam Durham FA

Assistant Referees

Level 3E to Level 3D (21) (Promoted frm Panel Select Assistant Referee to National List Assistant Referee)
Bell James Sheffield & Hallamshire FA
Bourne Declan Nottinghamshire FA
Da Costa Anthony Cambridgeshire FA
Dabbs Robert Army FA
Davison Paul Durham FA
Eva Matt Surrey FA
Gibbons Peter Cheshire FA
Howard Paul London FA
Isherwood Chris Lancashire FA
Johnson Joseph Liverpool FA
Johnson Paul Surrey FA
Miller Andrew Durham FA
Moore Anthony Manchester FA
Serrano Anthony Hertfordshire FA
Simpson Joe Manchester FA
Smedley Ian Derbyshire FA
Smith Josh Lincolnshire FA
Taylor Craig Staffordshire FA
Ward Christopher Sheffield & Hallamshire FA
Waters Adrian Hertfordshire FA
Wood Lloyd Essex FA

Level 3F to Level 3E (44) (Promoted from Panel Assistant Referee to Panel Select Assistant Referee)
Allison Samuel Wiltshire FA
Anastasiou Andreas London FA
Bailey Kieran Berks & Bucks FA
Bennett Alan Lancashire FA
Bickle Oliver Derbyshire FA
Cook Daniel Essex FA
Crusham Michael Lancashire FA
Doughty Leigh Lancashire FA
Finnie Will Northumberland FA
Fisher Alexander Hampshire FA
Fisher David Lancashire FA
Forrester Lee Bedfordshire FA
Greenwood Mark Devon FA
Hancock Thomas Cambridgeshire FA
Hawkins Harry Derbyshire FA
Howick Kevin Berks & Bucks FA
James Benjamin Oxfordshire FA
Jones Liam Nottinghamshire FA
Karaivanov Hristo Nottinghamshire FA
Kidd Christopher Oxfordshire FA
Lister Paul Surrey FA
Lowe Michael Surrey FA
Madine James Liverpool FA
Maskell Garry London FA
Middleton Daniel Derbyshire FA
Morrison Neil Middlesex FA
Newhouse Paul Durham FA
Piret Sian Oxfordshire FA
Rawcliffe Martyn Manchester FA
Read Gregory Surrey FA
Robinson Lindsey Durham FA
Simms Elizabeth West Riding FA
Smith Chris Herefordshire FA
Smith Wade Manchester FA
Spain David Sussex FA
Speedie Benjamin Liverpool FA
Swift Mark Lincolnshire FA
Underwood David Lancashire FA
Warren George Worcestershire FA
Watson Richard Staffordshire FA
Welch Rebecca Durham FA
Whittaker Jnr James Essex FA
Wicks Christopher Berks & Bucks FA
What is 3e 3f etc??
i thought it went 9-3 then 2B 2A ??
3d, 3e & 3f are how the FA differentiates between assistant referee levels within MOAS. 3d is National List AR, 3e is Panel Select AR (Conference Prem) and 3f is Panel AR ( Conference North/South).

At Level 3 & 2b in MOAS your level is shown as 3a, 3x (i.e. level 3 ref, 3 - whatever the level you line at)
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3d, 3e & 3f are how the FA differentiates between assistant referee levels within MOAS. 3d is National List AR, 3e is Panel Select AR (Conference Prem) and 3f is Panel AR ( Conference North/South).

At Level 3 & 2b in MOAS your level is shown as 3a, 3x (i.e. level 3 ref, 3 - whatever the level you line at)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah i see, makes sense now.
Thank you :)
it is still a little disrespectful and does sound a tad jealous?

I'm fully aware that for my mere 24 years I am quite mature minded and in the 'real' world ... this also means I appreciate that not everyone is the same so ... quick life lesson for you ...[/USER] if I've been out of line

Most arrogant post ever?
in life, as much as you might not want to, you have to brown nose. If you don't brown nose once so often then you don't go anywhere ... you stay on a crappy wage, doing the crappy jobs and the bottom of the pile ... some brown nosing can get you a long way - positive thinking people call it 'earning brownie points' or 'going the extra mile' or even 'being proactive' - maybe if you started to look on it this way then you would maybe be a level 2 now? who knows!

How depressing is your job?
I get promoted (or not as the case may be) based on my ability to do the job above me and my quals.
Ass kissing will have the entire "office" hate your guts in my world... and you still won't be promoted.
in my job I'm the boss ...

I can also bet pound to a penny that not every 'promotion' has been through your ability and qualifications?
Piece of advice Charlie - get off your high horse. I think you're starting to annoy people!

I personally have no opinion on 'brown-nosing' - some do it, some don't. Personal preference.
its not being on a high horse ... its stating the way some people look on brown nosing ... as I said (quoted below) people that go far in life look on it differently

positive thinking people call it 'earning brownie points' or 'going the extra mile' or even 'being proactive'

and ill only annoy people that refuse to 'brown nose' or whatever you call it and rise the ladder ...