

Active Member
I guess you're all more used to Hello, but since I'm Dutch I thought a Dutch greeting would be nice :) Anyway, I'm Ben van Maaren, a translator from Gouda, Holland, and a ref of 27 years. Impossible to say what level, as football and therefore refereeing is organised way differently over here. At the moment I ref youth matches, from U12s to u19s. I've always had a keen interest inthe LOTG, even reached the national finals with our local ref association's quiz team on 5 or 6 occasions. Never won, though :( For a few years now, I've been collecting books about refereeing and referees, which I've been blogging about on an irregular basis on my own website refereeingbooks.eu since late last year. Hope you'll pay a visit some time. I plan to visit RefChat regularly and contribute on occasion. Good to be here!
A&H International
Good to have you on board! I shall have a look at your blog. Enjoy the site