Open Age This Sunday


RefChat Addict
After the shocker I had towards the end of last month, after a week off (closed before christmas) and last week running the line for a senior division match I'm back in the middle tomorrow.

The weathers not been too bad recently, and I'm looking forward to getting back out there.

One of the teams was involved with my shocker, so I'm hoping to prove that I'm not actually the worst ref in the world.
A&H International
I won't be taking nonsense from either team.

To be honest I know teams will whinge and moan regardless of how well I perform.

As long as I finish the match knowing that I was fair and performed to the best of my abilities then I'll be happy.

Of course there'll always be things that I want to improve, if there weren't then it'd probably be time to hang up the whistle.
Try not to go in expecting there to be trouble. In my experience, when I've had a tough game the next one is always easier because I'm expecting this one also to be tough. It rarely is. Try to take time before making decisions when possible. You usually have a lot more time than you think. Quite often player reactions will tell you what a decision should be. For example if you're not sure what direction a throw should be, players' body language can often tell you.
When you call the captains in, make sure you give a really good first impression: confident whistle, loud shout etc. As someone said before, fake it! If you look confident, even if you're wrong players will often accept it.
I'm hoping to prove that I'm not actually the worst ref in the world.
Don't worry about that, I'm expecting to prove (again!) that I am the worst ref in the world tomorrow morning! I have two teams who won't take the hint playing against each other. I know that as I expect to be busy I probably won't be.

The main thing is, enjoy the game. Good luck.
Well the game is done, and it definitely wasn't a shocker.

I communicated better with the players, my positioning was better and I was more assertive over the game.

Still a few things I need to work on, but I'm happy with the way things went.
What did you do to offend him?

He flagged for a foul throw that I didn't give.

I didn't realise they'd changed assistants at half time so didn't get a chance to brief him that I only want ball in and out of play and offside.

Also, he also claimed the player taking the throw had his feet on the pitch, which I disagreed with.

It wasn't a player so I assume he was someone's dad, none of his team were bothered by it or complained, so I let him stomp off and he was replaced by one of their subs.
I didn't realise they'd changed assistants at half time so didn't get a chance to brief him that I only want ball in and out of play and offside.

I'm always careful to tell the CAR to brief whoever he hands over to exactly as I've briefed him. My arse is covered then. ;) :)
As an aside, the home teams CAR stormed off in the second half.

Wouldn't worry about that mate. Wish I'd had a pound every time flag had gone down after I didn't follow CAR's (clearly wrong) flag.

Makes life easier in some ways. Somebody that petulant is going to be no use.

Plus it's always funny the next time they moan and you give it the old 'you lost your chance to comment when you threw the flag down, let's get on with it'
Wouldn't worry about that mate. Wish I'd had a pound every time flag had gone down after I didn't follow CAR's (clearly wrong) flag.

Makes life easier in some ways. Somebody that petulant is going to be no use.

Plus it's always funny the next time they moan and you give it the old 'you lost your chance to comment when you threw the flag down, let's get on with it'

It's the first time that's happened, it caught me a little off guard, when I realised he wasn't going to listen to me Ij ust let him get on with it and then waited for the team to sort out a new CAR.

Didn't hear a peep out of him for the rest of the game.
You get this sort of petulance sometimes mate.

Some CAR's are diamonds, relish the task and can't be helpful enough. I like those unicorn types :D

Others are just arses. But they make themselves look stupid by throwing a strop.