Reducing match time for late KO


RefChat Addict
A (particulary poorly disciplined) league I referee on are often kicking off late (which I report of course).
My latest fixture I arrive at the ground to be told the groundsman has called off the match. The home team manage to get a new venue and we (to my surprise) are looking at only a 30 min late KO.
Now both teams wanted to play 45 each way, but all I could think of were the other late KO games this season where I had spent MY time to try and give some lads 90 minutes of football and all I got was sh*t for 90 mins.
I literally thought "Why should I do you a favour?".
We played 30 each way and the losing team (who despite being battered were blaming the 30 min reduction) manager asked if he could only pay me £20 (I swear he was serious, I nearly told him to f*** off).
Have I been an ****hole? This is the first time I think in 9 years that I've done this.
I literally just didn't see why an extra 30 mins of my time should forfeited.
Maybe I need a break!
A&H International
Cutting off 15 minutes in all honesty sounds unreasonable if I'm honest. You shouldn't have agreed to venue change if that's how you felt.

Blame it on a brief moment of madness.
If both teams wanted to play 45 mins then you may have made a technical error. According to the LotG you can only shorten the game if a) the referee and both teams agree, b) it is agreed before the game starts and c) competition rules allow for this.
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Regardless of what they wanted to do, it's what they agreed to do - Did they sign something to agree to reduced time before kick off?
If it was an issue to you, I think you should have just said no to officiating the game. They would probably have called the App. Sec and found a referee at short notice as they were about to travel. Personally, I dont think you should reduce the game length because you've been put out by a few miles and by half hour, despite your feelings on the league and/or teams.
I think they are right to feel aggrieved.

BUT, if both teams agreed to half hour each way, despite (IMO) the fact there was no need for it to happen, they haven't really got a case for an argument.
I literally just didn't see why an extra 30 mins of my time should forfeited.

Sorry to blunt but, based on your description, you have not handled this situation very well. It reads as if the reduced playing time was more for your convenience than any other reason. At Peter Grove has stated, there are formalities and procedures for reducing playing time.
If you had a 2nd game to go onto...then fair enough, but otherwise, bit harsh on the teams.
Regardless of what they wanted to do, it's what they agreed to do - Did they sign something to agree to reduced time before kick off?
Well that's the thing, it's not entirely clear from the description in the OP. Maybe in the end they did agree to a reduction in playing time but it sounds like it may possibly have been a unilateral decision by the referee to which the teams had not agreed, I can't really tell.

So I just wanted to give a "heads up" that if it was the latter then it could be seen as a technical error (and potentially lead to an appeal and a replay). It reminds me of something that happened once to my daughter's team in the Gothia Cup. The referee apparently got mixed up over the playing time (different age groups/different rounds of play had differing lengths). Anyway, after my daughter's team had won the game, the losing team protested and the tournament committee ordered the game to be replayed (we lost the replay).
I had no other game but I had a social engagement that I easily could have put back 30 mins.
A match last season I hung around and kicked a match off NINETY MINUTES LATE.
During that match the behaviour of one team was nothing short of a f***ing disgrace. 2 Reds, many yellows but just the general attitude that I was some tool that they can make hang around all day and then treat like crap.
I think this and the generally poor player behaviour this season have warped my judgment/worn me down.
On reflection I think I've let my past experiences on this league affect my judgement and it happened on one of those mornings where, frankly, I couldn't be arsed. I think I'll have to come off that league. I've assessed on it a few times and the discipline is non existent
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I think this and the generally poor player behaviour this season have warped my judgment/worn me down.
On reflection I think I've let my past experiences on this league affect my judgement and it happened on one of those mornings where, frankly, I couldn't be arsed. I think I'll have to come off that league. I've assessed on it a few times and the discipline is non existent

Well done for being honest with yourself chap. I know exactly what you mean as well. Similar thing happened to me two seasons ago. Player attitude - awful. Player gratitude - zero!! Made me quite angry afterwards.
We're only human mate. ,) :)
Sure many of us have felt similar.

I was once "persuaded" to do an extra game after the one I was on finished.

After two minutes, much shouting from the sidelines over some minor decision. I did point out that if it wasn't for me "volunteering", literally 10 minutes previously, they wouldn't have a had a (neutral) ref to moan at!:mad:
Me thinks you need to be finding a new league. Some leagues think you should be eternally endebted to them for allowing you to officiate on their hallowed turf...... Others are choosey as to who they have on their books.

From what you've said - I'd be closing my saturdays fir the rest of the season and having a search around.