Next Season's Aspirations...


Politically Incorrect
So, as this season draws to a close and we all look forward to a much needed break...

Aside from promotions, what 3 things would you like to improve about your refereeing in general?
A&H International
Don't really have any refereeing aspirations now to be honest.
I've no plans to try and progress to Level 4 or beyond.

My game is already perfect so it's just more of the same for me next season. :D ;)
aha ... perfect is an unachievable thing my good man! nobody is ever perfect and anything ... there is always room for improvement, and thinking otherwise is what leads to a persons eventual demise!
In no particular order:
1. Fitness
2. Confidence in my decisions
3. Less ball watching when running the line
4. Pushing into the penalty area more, or less, depending what the assessor on the day wants...
aha ... perfect is an unachievable thing my good man! nobody is ever perfect and anything ... there is always room for improvement, and thinking otherwise is what leads to a persons eventual demise!

Erm.... it was meant to be a joke Charlie!! :rolleyes: :eek:
Don't they have humour down in your village then? We're quite big on it here in Zummerzet. That and Zoiderrrrr. .... ;)
1. Put up with less before the first use of yellow cards in a match (once I start using them I think I'm fair, but I can let too much slide in terms of dissent and repeated "minor" fouls before the first one sometimes)
2. More pre-match research (I tried to do each match on it's merits when I first moved county, but as I'm now seeing some teams over and over, it seems unfair not to do the research on the teams I haven't seen before to balance it out)
3. Stop blowing the whistle to allow FK's etc to be taken while I'm still adjusting my position (assessors hate this one!)

In terms of things I'd like to do, I'd like to have been in the middle for at least 1 match with NAR's by the end of next season as well. I've been gradually picking up more lines and it seems like it would be helpful when I'm running the line to understand what helps a referee most in that situation.
So, as this season draws to a close and we all look forward to a much needed break...

Aside from promotions, what 3 things would you like to improve about your refereeing in general?

In no particular order:
1. Fitness
2. Confidence in my decisions
3. Less ball watching when running the line
4. Pushing into the penalty area more, or less, depending what the assessor on the day wants...
I'd probably add "counting" too ;)
As an Assessor:
1. Understanding MOAS for the appointments and report writing;
2. Understanding the new DOGSO rules, cause I will have one in my first match;
3. Understanding the "spirit of the game" cr4p so that the referee cannot argue against a missed caution.

PS - a 1a, upgrade laptop so WiFi does not fail after an hour, thus losing all MOAS work done.
1) Learn the new laws and more importantly, understand them
2) Continue with my promotion process, but also continue with my work in recruiting referees here in Cornwall
3) Not fall out with @Padfoot