Next Season's Aspirations...

1) Referee outside my comfort zone of school games (I'm re-doing my ref's course in July, having first qualified as a Class 3 (remember them!) back in '99 - hope to start doing some Sunday League games as well as my school commitments)
2) Improve my decision making re: "was that a foul or just incompetence and play on"
3) Improve my decision making involving aerial battles.
A&H International
As an Assessor:
1. Understanding MOAS for the appointments and report writing;
2. Understanding the new DOGSO rules, cause I will have one in my first match;
3. Understanding the "spirit of the game" cr4p so that the referee cannot argue against a missed caution.

PS - a 1a, upgrade laptop so WiFi does not fail after an hour, thus losing all MOAS work done.
I'll send you a Word Template if you want. You can write it in that format, then cut and paste it into MOAS.
1) Take the plunge into OA. I've talked about doing it for years without following it through.
2) Stop letting the idiots get to me.
3) Improve my communication with players. This has improved infinitely over the last couple of years, but there's always room to be even better.
1: Finally referee a proper cup final (not some s****y repechage thing set up just in case the precious ones strop off and don't play anymore.)
2: Middle the last game of a bona-fide knock-out competition.
3: Be the man who leads the team of 4 up to get medals at 90 or 120 minutes.

None of these have ever happened thus far.
1. Avoid injury
2. Avoid injury
3. Avoid injury

Damn I hate being out injured!

I was going to write the same thing.

What I hate even more is having a knock or being ill and nor knowing if I should come off the up coming game or not.

Yes, you're correct of course, being fit and well is the most important thing.
Interesting that Fitness is probably the most popular goal here. The good news is that you can 'fix' that before the season even starts ;)

Mine included health as well, if you can "fix that" before the season starts as well do let me know.

And after that can you tell me how to get my knees and ankles to believe they are 20 years younger than they actually are!;)