Collina: retake + yellow if goalie leaves line too early

One of the biggest discussions in refereeing world was the penalty that Bjorn Kuipers awarded in the game between Croatia and Italy. Was it a penalty? And if so, why no retake?

Uefa referee boss now said, and that's according to the new Laws of the Game, that the goalie deserves a yellow card. What already was in the LOTG: the penalty needs to be retaken. Here's the explanation.
A&H International
I think this is a very big change and it is now a mandatory. IFAB says that as the illegal feint is punished so must the GK encroachment in the same way. The problem is that many GKs see this as part of the save. To have some sporting chance of a save there has to be movement and that is always forward. The game has allowed latitude in this and the problem is how much. One step, small step followed by a big step ? I have on two KFTPM situations gone with two retakes on the same GK for encroachment. One was quite difficult and I dread to think what would have happened had I walked the GK as I now have to send him off. Maybe the first caution might change his movement yet I doubt it. The ref once the AR signals has to send off. I recall a video on here of a game where the AR flagged for encroachment twice. Ref now has no choice but to walk the GK. Is an AR going to flag once he knows it is a caution that the ref must give? If the GK is already on a caution? I think it is poorly thought through and may cause problems.
Will be interesting if the first YC is given in the Euros?

If not, MOTD will be all over it on the first weekend of the Premiership. Will the referee do it properly?

Also, how will it be taken at Contrib/Supply level - Assesors docking marks?
Once (if?) a few high profile cautions are given everyone will know the score and GKs will stay on their line
I think this is a very big change and it is now a mandatory. IFAB says that as the illegal feint is punished so must the GK encroachment in the same way. The problem is that many GKs see this as part of the save. To have some sporting chance of a save there has to be movement and that is always forward. The game has allowed latitude in this and the problem is how much. One step, small step followed by a big step ? I have on two KFTPM situations gone with two retakes on the same GK for encroachment. One was quite difficult and I dread to think what would have happened had I walked the GK as I now have to send him off. Maybe the first caution might change his movement yet I doubt it. The ref once the AR signals has to send off. I recall a video on here of a game where the AR flagged for encroachment twice. Ref now has no choice but to walk the GK. Is an AR going to flag once he knows it is a caution that the ref must give? If the GK is already on a caution? I think it is poorly thought through and may cause problems.

It's a ridiculous law. How bad is it going to be in KFTM if the keeper is already on a caution!!
Once (if?) a few high profile cautions are given everyone will know the score and GKs will stay on their line
I've heard that one before - how's the "respect" campaign going in your area?

We all know what will really happen. Maybe if we're lucky, there will be one or two high-profile incident, then this law gradually gets tucked under the carpet at the higher levels. And then at grassroots level, we have the choice of either enforcing a law no one else at the ground knows and causing a riot, or ignoring it and failing in our duty as referees (not to mention, failing assessments).

I really don't understand the thought process (assuming there is one) for making this a mandatory caution, especially under KFTPM. As @Goldfish says above, it's a horrible one to have to enforce and will surely only result in referees turning a blind eye more often. If the authorities though it was a problem, it should have been clarified as something that can result in a persistent infringement caution - allowing the referee to penalise with a retake and a word the first time and then only worry about a caution once he's already made the issue public.
One of the classic unenforced laws, you've got an additional assistant who will no doubt have been told pretty much not to give keeper encroachment.
One of the classic unenforced laws, you've got an additional assistant who will no doubt have been told pretty much not to give keeper encroachment.
can i ask as to why an official would be told not to give encroachment? from my very limited experience ive been told that the ref would do the players into the box encroachment, and the AR would take care of keepers...
whats the thinking behind that ?
can i ask as to why an official would be told not to give encroachment? from my very limited experience ive been told that the ref would do the players into the box encroachment, and the AR would take care of keepers...
whats the thinking behind that ?
"No Surprises" refereeing I think - some referees will try and avoid kicking up a fuss over "technical" offenses unless there is an appeal that forces them to make a decision.
"No Surprises" refereeing I think - some referees will try and avoid kicking up a fuss over "technical" offenses unless there is an appeal that forces them to make a decision.
and thats purely a personal choice, to avoid awkward confrontations presumably ?
and thats purely a personal choice, to avoid awkward confrontations presumably ?
And also to avoid 'unnecessarily' losing club marks at Levels like 3 & 4 where these marks are one significant factor affecting referee promotion / demotion. It's entirely understandable .. though not something I subscribe to.
And also to avoid 'unnecessarily' losing club marks at Levels like 3 & 4 where these marks are one significant factor affecting referee promotion / demotion. It's entirely understandable .. though not something I subscribe to.
yup, understandable , nothing for me to consider in that respect just yet then !
Thanks all for the comments. I think indeed it will lead to difficult situations when a goalie is already on a yellow. But at a shootout with one keeper already on yellow you can't treat them in a different way if they come off the line.