Competitive Cup Game

Andy A

Active Member
Hi Gents,

Just after a bit of advice here as I'm still learning the ropes.

I had a cup game today and it was played in a good nature throughout, except for one incident....

Blue forward gets fouled, not really a lot in it in all fairness, but he gets up and pushes (two handed) orange defender in chest (not massively aggressive - I've seen pushes with a lot more malice)

Inevitable mass con occurs, I step back, take a look and don't see anything but handbags and players being separated before anything severe happens. When it calms down I elected to just caution the blue forward. Correct?

Also, one more question, this blue forward commits a couple more fouls after, first incident he slips (pitch was very slippy underfoot by this stage) and the second one he got blind sided and couldn't see a player coming in with his head and made contact with his head.

Orange team were screaming at me by now saying they can't understand why he's still on the pitch, he should have his second yellow for persistent fouling? I explained that to receive a second yellow for either of those challenges would be harsh.


Orange went onto win on penalties.
A&H International
Sounds like you did Ok, always try an get the first aggressor, if there is a big retaliator, get him too...i love getting GKs too that run from a long way out, easy meat..... Then its lucky dip if you are on your own.. Persistent Infringement is a tough one as there is no set number, don't get talked into doing something too hasty though, look at each infringement on its merits, use the captain, warn the player if necessary and if he still carries on then do your worst! He can't say he wasn't warned!
Thanks @Sheffields Finest

To be honest I was happy with what I did at the time, but I always like to seek advice off here just to make sure I am doing things properly.

It wasn't one of those mass con's where somebody runs from 50 yards, throws a punch, then leaves - I am always on the lookout for those fools because they get the privilege of an early shower. :D
Never stop learning Andy, the day you think you've cracked it something will bite you on the backside.
Only ever had one mass mass brawl, truly awful, could have ended in a GBH / manslaughter and prison for the lad that walked from 50 yards and delivered a sickening kick to a prone players temple. If you've ever seen the cartoon representation of eyes facing the wrong way then i've seen that with the player on the floor. I truly initially thought he was dead!!! Led to two 5 year bans, not enough IMO!!
I always feel as though it's very difficult to justify a caution for PI without a warning - and it's very difficult to give a PI warning after a single foul!

If they were truly only careless fouls (and by your description, you clearly considered them to be just that), then you absolutely were right not to get the cards out. You could consider having a word with the offender, but even that could seem harsh and influenced by the opponents if you weren't planning on that anyway. For a slip and a head-to-head collision, I wouldn't even be having a word probably. If they'd happened the other way round, you maybe could have just told him to "bear the conditions in mind when you go in for a tackle"?

On a side note, you could definitely have cautioned an orange player for asking for the card. Would have been a different approach to shutting them up!
Thankyou Gentlemen.

@GraemeS - I have made a mistake in my description of the 'head' challenge, so I will make it clearer.

Blue player got blind sided and a orange player came in from behind with his head and it was the blue players high boot that made contact with orange's head, blue would not have known orange was coming with his head. So I just gave the free kick.