Winter Fitness

Freddie Saunders

New Member
Level 9 Referee
When I was first considering to become a referee, I knew from the start you need to be fit to be a good referee, and not become a referee to get fit.

I have read through the detailed referee fitness regime in ' The FA Resource Pack' - but this continuously mentions doing your workouts on a pitch, which makes perfect sense but is not practical in the winter due to it becoming dark at about 16.30 - and I don't get home from work until 20.00 most days and do not have access to a lit pitch.

So, I was wondering if anyone on here has a fitness regime they have adopted in the winter around the one listed in the Resource Pack -- in the gym for example, which may not compensate for the depth you get on the field, but works for the winter period.

Really interested to hear people's opinion and what they are doing.
A&H International
Apologies I have just noticed that there is a Training, Fitness and Nutrition Forum which I missed.

It would have been more appropriate for me to post that on there.

Oops, sorry! :(
When our outdoor season ended a few months ago I got depressed. I really went for it last season. It turned out that I really missed 3-4 games a week and running 35km (mix of middle and line). My body missed it but my brain missed it more.
I then went to the gym five times in 2 weeks. That's more than in the last 20 years combined. And I realised of course I had no idea what I was doing. So I decided to throw all my ref earnings at a personal trainer. I found a decathlete/sprinter who specialises in personal training for speed! The program is a mix of gym work (lots of leg now, more upper body later), and we have a couple of indoor tracks available throughout the winter. We will get on to the plyometric stuff and more mobility training after xmas.

And I am using the FIFA test as the benchmark/goal (I am gutted they are taking the IRT test out as that interval is a great indicator of progress).

I've only just started. I have learnt so far that trying interval running on a treadmill is awkward. I am just itching for the stride and direction variation I am used to on the field. Doing kickbacks and different hamstring and glute machines is a great fit for ref work. I do various active stretches for all the leg groups. And lots of calf as I am trying to get over an Achilles niggle. I had never done any serious weights before. My fave is a backwards lunge in a stand up (Smith) machine. Again, all about putting power into the upper leg muscles.

I also learnt about these indoor tracks I didn't know existed. A couple of cheap gyms. One with a pull sled. Another with almost free swimming. And yes, I have practiced the IRT test on my local pitch in the dark with a battery speaker;) I also find all there are various active stretches that help me focus on my flag technique. I wish I had the balls to take a flag to the gym!

I have also totally changed my diet. I did a meal diary for a week and realised I was under eating during the season. And now I eat far less fat/carbs and more protein. Miss Deli has made the difference with all this. She just did some crazy heavy lifting PT program and learnt loads about the diet side. I am the guy buying 3kg of cottage cheese. And trying not to think about the next 4 days' food.

Happy xmas. Hit the gym!
5 holidays in 5 months will unfortunately take its toll! No4 coming up on Boxing Day. Gambia still to come in Feb will be the last leg, time to hit the salad after that!
Back in the gym after Christmas if I can shake off this virus I've had for 3 weeks. Tonight's posts are fuelled by Benylin, Anadin and Budweiser. Thank God I'm only eating dinner tomorrow and not having to make anything.
Getting your fitness back for refereeing ?
Wanting another leaving party?
Winter is the time I train for my other passion- triathlon. I try and do all my Ref fitness tests as early as I can because by April I am firing on all cylinders.
Thanks for all the replies everyone.

Still gym-ing and swimming. Started just before Christmas last year (to avoid the New Year's resolutioners and their rush) and carrying on. Nearly 2 stone lighter and feeling a damned sight better for it!

I was planning on doing the same to be honest, along with refining my diet.
In these coming months of postponements park run is ideal for keeping fitness and I belong to a running club which operates all year round, one session for speed one for endurance, but I eat what I want as I am a fat person trapped in a thin persons body!