Cards, kids & a convert


RefChat Addict
I must admit, I've always been reluctant to get my cards out in youth games (although I have done so) but tonight I was converted to the "treat 'em mean" brigade.

U14 game, an odd sort of league/cup affair, essentially greens needed to win to go through, reds to draw. Greens took the lead in the 4th minute, after that a great game, best my played well, but neither side look like scoring.

Midway through 2nd half, reds beginning to get frustrated, one lad starting to vocalise his concerns. Thinks he should have a fk, I don't, so don't give it, we play on. He's moaning about my decision, so I make a mental note to speak to him at the next stoppage, give him a verbal, stepped approach and all that.

Anyway, the next stoppage is a fk against him, he hoofs the ball away. "Over here, fella." Give him a talking to and a YC. Howls of derision from the touchiness spectators. "Can I have word, ref?" from the red manager. I ignore all, take my time writing it all down in my book (take the heat out). A number of reds are genuinely shocked & surprised at a card. As I put my book away and jog over to take up position for the restart, I call over to the red manager "he's been gobby and kicked the ball away." "Fair enough" was his (grudging?) reply.

Two minutes later, same place on the pitch, different red commits foul. Once again, hoofs the ball away, and we are talking a hoof into next week. Another YC, more howls from the sideline. But it didn't happen again. And as the game went on, other reds were being pro-active in keeping their team mates quiet.

At end of game, greens were all happy with me - they were nice lads trying to play the game (although always to be happier when you've won 2-0!). A number of reds were also quite happy at the end of the game, possibly fed up with some whinging teammates? Green manager commented on the ill discipline of the reds. A couple of spectators, as I trudged off, asked how much the fine was? I had a nice chat with them - said they'd "couldn't remember ever seeing two cards down here, but they've got to keep their heads and their mouths shut".

I enjoyed the game!
A&H International
I must admit, I've always been reluctant to get my cards out in youth games (although I have done so) but tonight I was converted to the "treat 'em mean" brigade.

U14 game, an odd sort of league/cup affair, essentially greens needed to win to go through, reds to draw. Greens took the lead in the 4th minute, after that a great game, best my played well, but neither side look like scoring.

Midway through 2nd half, reds beginning to get frustrated, one lad starting to vocalise his concerns. Thinks he should have a fk, I don't, so don't give it, we play on. He's moaning about my decision, so I make a mental note to speak to him at the next stoppage, give him a verbal, stepped approach and all that.

Anyway, the next stoppage is a fk against him, he hoofs the ball away. "Over here, fella." Give him a talking to and a YC. Howls of derision from the touchiness spectators. "Can I have word, ref?" from the red manager. I ignore all, take my time writing it all down in my book (take the heat out). A number of reds are genuinely shocked & surprised at a card. As I put my book away and jog over to take up position for the restart, I call over to the red manager "he's been gobby and kicked the ball away." "Fair enough" was his (grudging?) reply.

Two minutes later, same place on the pitch, different red commits foul. Once again, hoofs the ball away, and we are talking a hoof into next week. Another YC, more howls from the sideline. But it didn't happen again. And as the game went on, other reds were being pro-active in keeping their team mates quiet.

At end of game, greens were all happy with me - they were nice lads trying to play the game (although always to be happier when you've won 2-0!). A number of reds were also quite happy at the end of the game, possibly fed up with some whinging teammates? Green manager commented on the ill discipline of the reds. A couple of spectators, as I trudged off, asked how much the fine was? I had a nice chat with them - said they'd "couldn't remember ever seeing two cards down here, but they've got to keep their heads and their mouths shut".

I enjoyed the game!

Welcome to the bad boys club ;) the dark side welcomes you with open arms hahaha
This age group is plenty old enough to be copping cards for things like that. Well done.
Seems like they've had too many referees taking the 'they're just kids approach'. Referees taking that approach aren't fit to referee youth football. the old 'I can control the game without cards' garbage.
Far too many youth teams out there who are used to being ref'd by a parent/coach/referee who isn't prepared to take the necessary disciplinary action during the game, they take it for granted and their behaviour often reflects that. So when a referee comes along who isn't prepared to turn a blind eye it's a complete culture shock to them.

An u14s team my son played against earlier this season were the prime example of this. Whilst most games in the league have allocated referees, there are a few that are "club official" and this was one such game, where the team's manager acted as referee. By my count one particularly delightful player racked up 6 cautionable offences, most of which were cynical and somewhat nasty fouls before the coach on the sidelines finally took him off to cool down without a single word being said by the referee. when he eventually came back onto the pitch, his behaviour was no better. Many of his team mates attitudes was the same.

When refereeing u13s and above, I make it clear to managers prior to the game that if I deem the offence serious enough, I will issue cards. Most coaches/managers have no problem with this approach, although there are still a few who think "it's a bit harsh because they are only kids" blah blah blah. One team I refereed last season I must have been one of the first referees to issue them with a card as they made enquiries after the game questioning my registration and authorisation to issue cards! :eek::confused::D
Remember the surprised looks on two U/14 players, two sets of coaching staff, teams and parents when I dismissed them both for offinabus in one match a few seasons ago.
Its a long time since i did a kids games like Minty, them U7's must run him ragged....He has to go and have a 5 minute sit down in his light blue three wheeler!!!
I have been using cards with youth games as long as I have been reffing.

Last week I cautioned a u13 player for tactical foul and his team mate was like "it's only a kids game ref"

Well stop committing adult fouls fella
