Some results then...

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Warning: may contain self-aggrandising content...

We are just over three weeks into the season and I did my 12th game tonight (8th with whistle).
It was my first time with "elite" 14 year old boys. Super serious training 4-5 times a week. Keen coaches. Small crowd of parents. One young AR that I know well and who always concentrates. One older 30 years of reffing veteran AR, struggles with fast breaks but knows his stuff and is constructive.

7 goals, 2 cards, couple of flashpoints diffused, I started very strict, eased off a bit, one advantage to open goal (missed), 2 other good advantages in midfield, one offside waved down ball through to keeper, one offside rejected as AR had not seen the defender play the through ball... stepped approach with away captain: warned, booked and subsequently reminded him of the cliff edge he was on if he kept pulling shirts, substituted at half time.... Another booking when I noticed the red mist descending on home striker and got in very quickly as he overdid a challenge before he could do anything worse. Some stern warnings elsewhere.

Afterwards, when we were alone my older AR said he had a couple of pointers, there was one card when I could have whistled louder to mark the card's arrival... then he told me that my movement looked "amazing, effortless, fantastic", what he would expect in our top tiers. He noticed me getting right to the touchline and close to the corners, and into the box on breaks. His other comment was overall my improvement from last year and our last match, especially my whistling. Rejoice. It was 40 min halves and I did 10k on the nose - and they were good k! I was, and am, chuffed to bits!

I have put a lot of effort into fitness, running technique, deportment (I have significantly changed the way I hold myself - stop sniggering at the back!), drop zone anticipation etc... and invested in the Valkeen and practiced. I was ecstatic about the feedback. I feel like I have been really learning. Now I have to apply the same and better with more intimidating - and usually less talented - adults!

And thanks guys for answering all my questions here;)
A&H International