1st Game Completed


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Well guys, I officiated my 1st game yesterday & just thought I'd share the news :)

Solihull Oakbourne Sunday League game.

Team Red v Team Blue. The reds were quite a youthful side in comparison to the Pub team Blue & took an early lead, helped by a strong wind blowing in their favour. Quiet early on their RB went sliding into a tackle that whilst not dangerous was a little reckless so I pulled him up & issued a quite warning that I would take his name should he tackle like that again. In the 32nd minute, he only did a carbon copy tackle that the oppossing Blue player managed to ride, however, it was cause for a FK. Blew the whistle, called the player in & informed him that that was his second such like tackle & his name was going into my little black book.............yellow card issued.
There were lots of calls for 'Foul throw Ref' during the course of the game to which I ignored, though I did quietly pull players from both sides to advise them to watch their technique. Red forward was constantly in my ear about decisions being given not given etc. but overall the game flowed well & there was a general good competitive game.
Blue team with the wind advantage in their favour came back to win the game 3-1 in the second half, which was a fair & reflective result on the teams performance
Got approached by reds manager after the game for what was polite questioning of the booking offense, which when explained he accepted & the Blues manager/players stated that they were impressed with my standard of officiating as usually some of the ref's they got didn't play advantage or gave dubious decisions (although I would expect the winning team to be more enamoured with the referee)
Overall, I really enjoyed the experience & am looking forward to my next appointment

PS. One thing did occur that I'm not sure if I handled correctly (or at least to the LOTG, I turned a 'Blind Eye' too I know) The RB who I previously booked in the 1st half, left the field of play during a stoppage in the game for a substitution to throw up (Sunday League Football :confused:) By law I should have cautioned him for leaving the field of play, but & this in no way had any bearing on his earlier caution would have meant him receiving a 2nd caution & subsequent sending off, I waited until he returned to the FOP & asked if he fit enough to continue, which he was................opinions?
A&H International
Looks like he self-assessed and treated all in one go, and because you noticed he went off and came back on, and you spoke to him too, then I would say that you gave him permission by default.

Only look to caution leavers and returners when it comes as a total surprise to you (eg the player that went off to change his boots is next noticed by you clearing the ball off the goal line!)
Well done mate. Sounds like you handled it well. It's always nice to get positive feedback and even nicer if it is from both teams. I would advise against warning players that they will get a caution the next time as if this is overheard and there is another tackle, which you may not feel warrants a caution, the opposition are likely to be quite vocal. I know that it is all in the wording of the warning, but be mindful.
Nevertheless well done and keep it up.
Sounds like you had a cracker!

And yes, I would turn a blind eye to leaving the FOP to up-chuck last-nights party - better off than on I'd say!
Great effort mate. You were right to exercise common sense with the player leaving the FOP to vomit. Sending him off there would have caused you more problems than it was worth and him vomiting on the pitch would be far worse as someone would need to clear it before the game could continue!

With players who are moaning at you like the red forward, it is sometimes useful to pull them in for a chat with their captain quite early with the clear warning that you are the referee, that you don't need a running commentary on your decisions from the player and that if it continues he will earn himself caution for dissent. If it happens again, break out the Collina stare with a simple "you have been warned", maybe a quick word to the captain as you pass each other that the player doesn't appear to be understanding his warning and is on thin ice. If he is dumb enough to keep it up after that pull him and the captain in and administer the caution.

A stitch in time...
Well done mate, just remember the games flow quick but always give yourself a few seconds if need be to make a decision and once made even if you think you may have ****ed it up just have the conviction to stick to your guns. Also I find carrying pepper spray to administer to players who don't shut up followed by a swift nipple tweak and flick of the balls will suffice in most situations :)